Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

PatrickG88 @ One-Way Trip To Hell

Darkcore   Techno   Terror

Submitted by: PatrickG88 @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 224 kbit MP3
Length: 01:47:57

More info
Welcome in hell, with my new dark mix.
I play and start Doomcore with a bit of Dark-Techno, for the slow agony (120-150 BPM)… and continuing Terror/Darkcore (more than 190 BPM), so as to finish in the bowels of hell !

So, I offer this one-way ticket to hell … and no return!
Enjoy  ;)


Rated by: PatrickG88 Style-exX ijskonijn hardcorerepublic [deleted user] DelugeOfSound greg4850 vbalazs Zero12 Robintjuh The-larger DieBilo EdwinH4L TenZ Headhunta Baseliner Novidry Greider djrabble kogeki pointlesspoint View all ratings
Favorited by: Style-exX ijskonijn djrabble vbalazs

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1. ▲NGST - Universal Energy (A3)
2. Weisses Rauschen - World Turns Black
3. Adam Frost - Nothing Remains
4. Lord Sinister ft. Raum 107 - The Way Of Sorrow
5. The Mover - Invisible Space
6. Raum 107 - We're Dying… Quietly! (Fuck Hope)
7. The Uninvited - Pain
8. Eric Blade - Temple Of Eternal Nights (Raum 107 Dark Star Remix)
9. The Overload - Master Of the Universe
10. ND Vidual - X-File
11. Cold Future Collective - The Unknown
12. Cyberstate - Stigmata
13. Kyan El Loco & Doom Hk - First Demo
14. Surrealizt - Infernal Collective (Blood Music mix)
15. Urian - Hadaikum
16. Floorkiller Project - Godless
17. Hibou - 2 a.m. Demon
18. Wilfuck - L'Architecte Du Diable
19. Dr. Strange - System 22
20. Manu Le Malin - Intrusion
21. ScreamerClauz ft. C1B2 - Kill These Fuckin People
22. Freeze - Ultras
23. Medellin Kartell - Outside World (Face Hoover Remix)
24. Manu Le Malin - Voices Of The World
25. Peter File - The Aftermath
26. Al Core - Evil Church (Thx & Thanos ft. Cheb Morad Karnage Remix)
27. Ұbrid - Datura
28. Cæcom - Donjon Noir
29. Jack Lucifer - Smell Of Dead

Style-exX -
Gloomy & Dark Atmospahre...  :thumbsup:
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
Ah yes  :6: very dark, and hard at the end  :beer:
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
Partially like it, mostly the first part. Still + worthy  :)
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
I think that you're underrated  :-/
You deserve much more support, you know what a real good set is  :thumbsup2:
Your taste is awesome  :L
And you know which music is good and you show us the beautiful side of music and not this overrated mainstream !

One word to say !

RESPECT  :worship:
vbalazs -
great set!
Zero12 -
every 4th Monday 22CET
EdwinH4L -
Very Nice!
mistercatapulte -
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
Underrated ! hum? yes, I also think.  :$
I think people are free to listen or not my sets, but, if they like, it's nice that they vote and they say  :yes:

So, for this one, I did not expect so many votes and laudatory comments  :w00t:

Darkgroove-Techno, Doomcore, (real)Darkcore (as my mix here) are my favourites styles  (L) and trust me to do other sets doomcore  :6:

Thanks guys  :beer:
Edited by PatrickG88 on 29-08-2011 19:08
ijskonijn -
Really like your set!
I Can imagine that some people who like doomcore don't like the terror part of your mix, but i'm loving it (both the doomcore and the terror part!)
Novidry -
The cake is a lie.
Lekker snaker  :hungry:  :yum:
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
On 30-08-2011 09:01:18, ijskonijn wrote:

Really like your set!
I Can imagine that some people who like doomcore don't like the terror part of your mix, but i'm loving it (both the doomcore and the terror part!)

I wanted to do just doomcore, with the first twenty tracks... and finally, I pushed the terror while remaining in a dark atmosphere!

So, the terror part is a bonus  :)

thanks at all for comments  :beer: