Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Warning: there is an annoying MC in this liveset.
Somebody requested a new download link

Luna & A-Lusion @ X-Qlusive Holland - Neerlands trots


Submitted by: Morango @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Filetype: MP3
Rated by: Holephet kaboutertje TheReckless Morango Jro_ Setenza Adams86 New_Guy4Hardstyle Titatovenaar steviedoyle Artstylerz Nenad_Westerling Opperhoofd kollie Odyssee dennisz Vissenkom Legolas hostage jellejelle Theekop JohnCove Constantine Nitrogen NLS04 A-BASS mike28 Q-DanCe__ koldsa sHizo K-Cin Duruz HardstyleKuh harderstyles Daan D-Mind DLSS Fecarez cunning Fetch thommie mstx kwaibegai Knocks chicomaster NDAL Xerxes Typh Paxton Stokbrood Damustrial Khadber em-dee-em-aa Robert--K rexton spyro dawasiknie r.H. Bierman Dakpan mgT- Wals Tunnelgaenger or0d Lanoz B.A.S.H Ramon Spikey Revir t0n1 San_Miquel hdhessel baryshx Hardsectorz Vinner Jubka ExF Ozuma freddyadu8 Do-Ruz PumA-RebeL roorleper420 eMule Shevie Maci ThaBomba. DJ_Basskoenig devill1988 mackers09 N3Gruj h4rdstyl3r TheDizZorder knarfieboy Elisses gero Hardstyleguru Speedboats Randy1991 JuanTheory rudeman stefan__EHV View all ratings
Favorited by: Vinner mackers09 Paxton B.A.S.H Randy1991

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1. A-lusion - Visual Perception
2. A-Lusion - Too Close
3. Ivan Carsten - You Try To Play Me
4. Tuneboy - Sex Busters (Scope DJ Remix)
5. Headhunterz - A New Day
6. A-Lusion - No Regrets
7. Crypsis & Luna - Torture
8. D-Block & S-te-Fan ft. DJ Isaac - Music Is Why
9. DJ Isaac - The Sound Of The Underground
10. A-Lusion - Reversed Order
11. The R3bels - Keep The Rhythm
12. A-Lusion vs Luna - We Are Back

Adams86 -
aka Wayout
01. A-lusion - Visual Perception
02. A-lusion - Too Close
03. Ivan Carsten - You Try To Play Me
04. Tuneboy - Sex Busters (Scope DJ Remix)
05. Headhunterz - New Day
06. A-lusion - No Regrets
07. Crypsis & Luna - Torture
08. D-Block & S-Te-Fan Feat. DJ Isaac - Music Is Why
09. Dj Isaac - Sound Of The Underground
10. A-Lusion - Reversed Order
11. The R3bels - Keep The Rhythm
12. A-Lusion Vs Luna - TBA?

Setenza -
dennisz -
Brennan Heart staat hoger  :showtek:  :')!
Theekop -
Woef woef Pluto
A-Lusion - Reversed Order

wat een nummer  :worship:
XtremeTerRoR -
Not one of the best imo
Constantine -
Hungarian DJ
Luna & A-lusion  :no:
contrast  :-/
Johnny250 -
The Evil Cult of Crossbreed
Where are the Sets from B-Frontliner, Alpha Twins & Noisecontrollers?
MiKuMa -
Too Close  :worship:
You Are Trying To Play Me  :worship:
Fetch -
Ik ben beter als jou
nee,.. viel me tegen deze,.. had beter verwacht  :-/
Delay07 -
Its a good mix, also  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:
Hagi -
dissapointing set indeed  :(
reversed order, what a bomb that was  :D
Vinnieh -
fix it in the mix
B-Frontliner? die ken ik niet HAHAHAHA
Simfonik -
B-Front en Frontliner draaide dacht ik samen. Misschien hetzelfde zoals bijv. Dee-Block & S-Te-Pack??
Simfonik -
Trouwens achter 02 moet nog (Re-Worked) achter staan  ;)
rexton -
Hoe is de kwaliteit?  :?
TomStyle -
Wobble Bass
Hoe heet die track voor dat de set begint?
Xerxes -
Everybody's favourite Belgian
I like this one  :yes:
Odyssee -
On 11-10-2009 10:14:47, dennisz wrote:

Brennan Heart staat hoger  :showtek:  :')!

Wat probeer je nou te vertellen?

Was mooi setje hoor. Maja, als je het alleen van de radio gewend bent. tja
Titatovenaar -
Brennan Heart was ook beter:)
Paxton -
06. A-lusion - No Regrets

holy shit  :worship: class tune