Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ascend @ A (Mega) Tribute To Embrionyc

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: Ascend @

Length: 01:26:06

More info
Here it is, the biggest Embrionyc tribute mix to date. 78 Tracks which perfectly represent the rugged relentlessness of Industrial Hardcore, and all that in less than 90 minutes. Enjoy.


Rated by: IANCP McBong hardcorerepublic Liam Thermus

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1. Embrionyc - Foreword
2. Embrionyc - I'm Afraid
3. Embrionyc - Apiformes
4. Embrionyc - Something In The Woods
5. Cubic Nomad ft. Embrionyc - Le Futur
6. Embrionyc - Incomprehensible
7. Embrionyc - If I Had a Wish
8. Embrionyc - Bombus
9. Embrionyc - Destroy Our Homes
10. Embrionyc - Admiral
11. Embrionyc - But I Will Not Back Down
12. Mental Wreckage - Lawaaieriger (Negative Thoughts Remix By Embrionyc)
13. Embrionyc - The Grave
14. Embrionyc - Beyond Your Dreams
15. Embrionyc - Biohazard
16. Embrionyc - Nur Für Mich
17. Embrionyc - Orpheus Alone
18. Embrionyc - The Ripper
19. Embrionyc - Vespa Crabro
20. Embrionyc - Sexuelle Befriedigung
21. Embrionyc - Satisfaction
22. Mindwalker & Embrionyc ft. Mi'A - We Cry In Music
23. Embrionyc - Across The Sea
24. Embrionyc - Just Another Noisy Loop
25. Embrionyc - Childhood Ends
26. Embrionyc - The Difference Between Water & Tears
27. Embrionyc - This Is Not A Daydream
28. Embrionyc - Black Mamba
29. Embrionyc - The Sentences Never Curtain Words
30. Embrionyc - This Is Not A Daydream (Gamma Edit)
31. Embrionyc - Degradation
32. Embrionyc - Trying To Will Her Return
33. Embrionyc - Vespula Vulgaris
34. Zanthrax - Dark By Nature (Replica by Embrionyc)
35. Embrionyc - I'm Leaving The Lights Tonight
36. Embrionyc - The Promise I Gave You
37. Embrionyc - Tartaros
38. Embrionyc - Nichts Zu Verlieren
39. Mirco Abete - Oceano (Embrionyc's Deepwater Remix)
40. Embrionyc ft. Moleculez - Vampire Attack
41. The Relic ft. Embrionyc - What Is It To Be Human (Embrionyc's Live Version)
42. Mindwalker ft. Embrionyc - Night Can Be Eternal
43. Embrionyc With Danielle-Laura Ward - Time Passes By
44. Embrionyc ft. Cubic Nomad - Houses Of God
45. Rawbots - Walk
46. Embrionyc - When The Hate Starts To Change The World
47. Embrionyc & Sidelnikov - The Guardian
48. Embrionyc ft. Godbuzda - Juncture
49. Embrionyc - A Wall Of Mirrors
50. Embrionyc - Very Far Away
51. Rawbots - Gouen Ryuuga
52. Embrionyc - I'll Never Give Up
53. Embrionyc - We Had Each Other
54. Embrionyc - They Left Her To Die
55. Embrionyc - Not Quite Forgotten
56. Embrionyc - Sommer 2013
57. Embrionyc - And Your Outside Shake
58. Embrionyc - Protector
59. [KRTM] & Khaoz Engine - Skanque (Embrionyc Remix)
60. Embrionyc - I'm Losing My Head
61. Moleculez ft. Embrionyc - Vengeance
62. Carnage & Cluster - We Are The Elite (Embrionyc Remix)
63. Moleculez ft. Embrionyc - Saturn Breaks Apart
64. Cubic Nomad ft. Embrionyc - Aural Waves
65. Embrionyc - Beautiful Godless Universe
66. Embrionyc ft. Moleculez & Warchetype - Unauthorized
67. Omnicide - Drowning In The Mainstream (Embrionyc's Engulf Version)
68. Embrionyc - It Would Be So Nice
69. Embrionyc - Verallgemeinerung
70. Stormtrooper & Cipher - Abrissbirne (Embrionyc Remix)
71. Embrionyc - Pulsing Earth Interior
72. Micromakine - Hopeless Future (Embrionyc Remix)
73. Cyberstruct & Embrionyc - There's A Light On The Horizon
74. Rawbots - First Life
75. Embrionyc - F#*k$#1t (2)
76. Embrionyc - Die Ganze Nacht
77. Embrionyc - F#*k$#1t (1)
78. Embrionyc - Thoughts Against Thoughts

McBong [Set Editor] -
huge mix!!!
Ascend -
On 11-08-2016 22:11:33, McBong wrote:

huge mix!!!
