Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Vinyl Vinnie @ OOS Radio 061


Submitted by: Vinyl_Vinnie @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:10

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-peace out-

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1. Ramirez - El Ritmo Barbaro
2. Serendipity - It's Just A Feeling
3. Alice D In Wonderland - Time Problem
4. Tech Noise - Do You Want Me
5. Bronx Massive - Babyface Reggae
6. Blow - This Is Called The Cutter (Altern 8 Ive Hardcore Mix)
7. Master Techno - My Noise
8. Paolo Zerletti - Re-Activated
9. Sub System - Sublife
10. Digital Boy - This Is Mutha F**ker!
11. Ramirez - La Musica Tremenda (Fabrice Remix)
12. Moka - This Record
13. Twang - There's No If
14. World Dominance - Compression
15. Inner City - United
16. Insider - D.R.E.A.M.S.
17. Insider - Destiny
18. New Order ?- Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction)
19. The Wiseguys - Ooh La La
20. Lennie De Ice - We Are I.E. (Hybrid's Dark Mix)
21. Jonny L - I Want You

forbidden -
I've got a mind of a lunatic
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa die mediafire doet het bij mij niet  :@  :@
Vinyl_Vinnie [Set Editor] -
Oldskool Mayhem
Hij download wel, maar luisteren/streamen lukt niet bij mediafire, das trouwens bij al de setjes zo geloof ik...  :S
Edited by Vinyl_Vinnie on 18-08-2013 20:12
forbidden -
I've got a mind of a lunatic
nee, die pagina loopt dan vast  :cry:
forbidden -
I've got a mind of a lunatic
is toch zo jammer, ik luister die mixjes van jou graag
Vinyl_Vinnie [Set Editor] -
Oldskool Mayhem
Check anders deze ff;

Net toegevoegd...
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
On 16-09-2013 00:29:42, Vinyl_Vinnie wrote:


Net toegevoegd...

Liefst geen links in de comments.. maargoed  :)