Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Petrochemical @ Hardshock Festival 2012 100% Insane Bus Area

Industrial Hardcore   Hardcore

Submitted by: Morango @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:07:51

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Rated by: Knomo javi_centralero Abrikozenjam mydori45 napalm Haatpiraat Sjaan ColinHQ Morbid_Angel Dilvo Krauser RazorBack Jibdes Krank-Im-Kopf Robintjuh nielskuh AlanIsDOMINATOR MaGGieL pvdp TenZ mekosj3a Enzyme wallethc mstx mudkipz JNKz Condemned AgeJ nium The_Insurgent MattiX Zero12 alex.pitbull tristanreinsma ka2e C1000 The_real_overdoser amended gero Darksound View all ratings
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1. Petrochemical - Blood & Metal (intro edit)
2. Angel - Can You See Me
3. Delta 9 - Time To Die (Fiend Remix)
4. Ophidian & Hamunaptra - Whispers of A Nameless Fear
5. The Outside Agency - Sithspawn (Petrochemical Remix)
6. Mindustries - Revelation
7. Petrochemical - Netherworld
8. Stormtrooper & DJ E-Rayzor - Eisenfaust
9. Petrochemical & Ophidian - Inanimate
10. Fracture 4 - Extreme Stress Reaction (The Outside Agency Remix)
11. Ruffneck & Synapse - Denial of Evil (Denial)
12. The Outside Agency - Hell's Basement
13. Petrochemical - There is no wrong
14. The Outside Agency - The Price Is Right
15. The Outside Agency - Waste Management
16. The Outside Agency, Peter Kurten & Katharsys - Favorite Sin
17. Enzyme X - Nathaniel
18. The Outside Agency & Current Value - They Are Human
19. The Outside Agency & Forbidden Society - This Never Happened
20. The Outside Agency - Unmade World

Morango -
What is real?
Petrochemical tagged this set as Industrial/Darkcore  =] let's start the discussion  :p
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Definitely not darkcore  :p Only Ybrid makes darkcore everyone knows that!
Krank-Im-Kopf -
Let's listen to javi..  xD
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
On 15-04-2012 18:41:20, Knomo wrote:

Definitely not darkcore  :p Only Ybrid makes darkcore everyone knows that!

javi_centralero -
For example: Petrochemical & Ophidian - Inanimate

No mainstream or industrial hardcore, it's real darkcore! Dark atmospheres and deep kicks. Darkcore is a hardcore branch. And yea, no, no only Ybrid make Darkcore hahahaa. Ybrid is the branch more inveronmental into Darkcore, no hard/deep bassdrums; Enzyme producers as Hamunaptra or Petrochemical with Ophidian, they make darkcore very near to hardcore as pure style.
Edited by javi_centralero on 15-04-2012 21:38
javi_centralero -
By the by, GENOSHA RECORDINGS  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
Sm0keythebandit -
It's backwards!
Everyone knows Partyraiser makes darkcore knomo, stop being ignorant  :@
EdwinH4L -
Eerste 10 tracks.  (L)
Edited by EdwinH4L on 15-04-2012 22:07
javi_centralero -
On 15-04-2012 22:01:46, Sm0keythebandit wrote:

Everyone knows Partyraiser makes darkcore knomo, stop being ignorant  :@

Partyraiser don't make darkcore actually, he mix some tracks  ;). Assasins by Triax & Partyraiser, it's a mainstream hardcore track? No! It's a DARKCORE track!! neither Industrial HC!  ;)
Edited by javi_centralero on 15-04-2012 23:32
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
On 15-04-2012 23:06:12, javi_centralero wrote:


Partyraiser don't make darkcore, he mix some tracks  ;)

javi_centralero -
Actually, he don't produce darkcore, yeah in the past (Assasins, by Partyraiser & Triax). In the present, Partyraiser only mix some darkcore tracks in his livesets, but he don't already produce good darkcore, his tracks are very near to mainstream hardcore, a little more hard and fast, but more near to main that darkcore, yea  :aww:  =D
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
On 15-04-2012 23:06:12, javi_centralero wrote:


Partyraiser don't make darkcore actually, he mix some tracks  ;). Assasins by Triax & Partyraiser, it's a mainstream hardcore track? No! It's a DARKCORE track!! neither Industrial HC!  ;)

Fuck, I never wanted to join these discussions, but Assassins being Darkcore, lolwut?  _O- It's a cool track, but it's most definitely mainstream  :p
javi_centralero -
Mainstream = Very commercial HC & Light. Assasins have a deep kick, sounds very dark/noise. Into Darkcore, there are commercial and darker tracks. In the same way, there are Industrial light and strong. In the first years of Tommyknocker and Endymion, they produced Darkcore, you can to search info about it. In the present, Partyraiser tracks are so light (into his style) that his tracks are more mainstream HC that darkcore (Unexist is other similar case).
Edited by javi_centralero on 15-04-2012 23:51
Abrikozenjam -
Iedereen is gek (behalve ik)!
Javi you ain't a smart fellow are you? You go into discussions you can't win and they only post those comments to get you to respond. Your a joke  :clown:

Loved the industrial stage! Good festival annyways only too bad they fucked it with the volumes... Nevertheless good party!!!!!!!! YEAH!
Sm0keythebandit -
It's backwards!
ROFL you javi are so goddamn easy to troll.

Obviously Partyraiser does not make darkcore, hell he hardly produces at all it was a random offtopic, loltroll comment

You took a swing at it and my god you missed it.

Foul ball sir.
Edited by Sm0keythebandit on 16-04-2012 00:03
Morango -
What is real?
On 15-04-2012 21:31:17, javi_centralero wrote:

For example: Petrochemical & Ophidian - Inanimate

No mainstream or industrial hardcore, it's real darkcore! Dark atmospheres and deep kicks. Darkcore is a hardcore branch. And yea, no, no only Ybrid make Darkcore hahahaa. Ybrid is the branch more inveronmental into Darkcore, no hard/deep bassdrums; Enzyme producers as Hamunaptra or Petrochemical with Ophidian, they make darkcore very near to hardcore as pure style.

On 15-04-2012 23:35:21, javi_centralero wrote:

Actually, he don't produce darkcore, yeah in the past (Assasins, by Partyraiser & Triax). In the present, Partyraiser only mix some darkcore tracks in his livesets, but he don't already produce good darkcore, his tracks are very near to mainstream hardcore, a little more hard and fast, but more near to main that darkcore, yea  :aww:  =D

On 15-04-2012 23:47:56, javi_centralero wrote:

Mainstream = Very commercial HC & Light. Assasins have a deep kick, sounds very dark/noise. Into Darkcore, there are commercial and darker tracks. In the same way, there are Industrial light and strong. In the first years of Tommyknocker and Endymion, they produced Darkcore, you can to search info about it. In the present, Partyraiser tracks are so light (into his style) that his tracks are more mainstream HC that darkcore (Unexist is other similar case).

hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
On 15-04-2012 18:34:10, Morango wrote:

Petrochemical tagged this set as Industrial/Darkcore  =] let's start the discussion  :p

Stop it guys..  :info: .. it's the same story every time  :thumbsdown:
Edited by hardcorerepublic on 16-04-2012 02:41
Morango -
What is real?
On 16-04-2012 02:40:32, hardcorerepublic wrote:


Stop it guys..  :info: .. it's the same story every time  :thumbsdown:

i think the confusion starts in 2002 with this MOH CD  :arrow:

my comment was more because Petrochemical guys tagged their set as industrial/darkcore .. i guess they know what they play (i'm not trolling this time  ;) )
Edited by Morango on 16-04-2012 03:02
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
On 16-04-2012 03:02:14, Morango wrote:


my comment was more because Petrochemical guys tagged their set as industrial/darkcore .. i guess they know what they play (i'm not trolling this time  ;) )

Don't play stupid.. the fact that Petrochemical tagged their set with darkcore gave you the opportunity  :)
Morango -
What is real?
On 16-04-2012 03:08:50, hardcorerepublic wrote:


Don't play stupid.. the fact that Petrochemical tagged their set with darkcore gave you the opportunity  :)

in part ur right, but isn't the first time i also open the discussion on "what is darkcore" (even before javi was here).

oke  =]
Edited by Morango on 16-04-2012 03:16