Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

A² All Stars @ Hard Bass 2012 Team Blue


Submitted by: bAsher26 @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 96 kbit MP3
Length: 00:31:33
Rated by: StevenThimm daKloze Krank-Im-Kopf DJOMGWTF BartyFire ThomA hardstylistixx Qcu chicomaster Scooby-Doo djblacksun Opperhoofd kollie Chaotic_Spirit Paule Ivanow techno-kid RIPS10 SerbskieKosovo kalamazoo Gerome91 Denzell LS22 sanderwww sHizo Jro_ popoklatsche Lanoz RawHardStylezz ThaMaster gertus Duruz Mezzox Noiser69 DarkMaiden ProMixer kwaibegai P4RTYLOV3R Freekje Morbid_Angel crymble heny Timmiee mihassone BeatDestroyers pothj Hydraulikdj hardstyle92 baas Haatpiraat niiels93 djoutbreak dr88hooli boyhoogvorst xwat mandyb88 ballmann09 Joeri196 Jpeeeg1 TenZ nYron2k5 Brrandon shocknld Eddix dooieharing HARDSTYLE_BRABANT Bubba Kwibus038 ALX -michaelhughes Ento JNKz bull83 Twappah mickk9 Szaman Nanzz Maugi NateD Vioda Hellshunter GPVV Reduction Dimax excess koekiedikke h4rdstyl3r jediny Edwinn gero AverageAbility shavedmonkeys Krauser denizs Drwilley Thyme Baseliner glenncorvers pitchan lucswinkels Kapik angelo1988 View all ratings
Favorited by: jhslotman hansieeej kalamazoo EwoudB DarkMaiden boyhoogvorst tseardjan eriksloothaak dooieharing gsxr69 Ento harriesuitbrabant yara25 Drwilley Kapik

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1. Headhunterz & Wildstylez Vs. Noisecontrollers - Tonight (Alpha² Remix)
2. Artic - F#ck The Fake Shit (Adaro Remix)
3. Ran-D vs Villain - X (Xxlerator Anthem)
4. E-Force & Luna - Shade of the Night
5. Noisecontrollers - Crump (Ran-D Remix)
6. Gunz For Hire ft. Ellie - Sorrow
7. Frequencerz & E-Force - Attention
8. Adaro - The Haunter Of The Dark (Hard Bass Edit)
9. Gunz For Hire - Kings Of The Underground
10. Ran-D, Adaro, Alpha² & E-Force aka A² Allstars - The Resistance

Eddix -
On 13-02-2012 21:44:28, dacrzboy wrote:

was inderdaad minste set van de avond ze hadden frontliner moeten laten afsluiten die had geniaale set als afsluiter

meh, best een lekkere set hoor, maar ik had wel verwacht dat hij meer zou doorknallen, zaten veel breaks in =(
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
On 14-02-2012 00:02:34, Eddix wrote:


nee dat was niet de bedoeling, ze hadden een technische storing, wel echt balen idd =(

Arkaine storing.
Reduction -
had van mij wel meer door mogen knallen na het harde werk van team bleu
excess -
blijft moeilijk he, normaal doen
begin kings of the underground een beetje beu te raken
alberlineo -
 :worship:  :worship:  :worship: