Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

B-Front , Chris One & The R3belz @ Hard Bass 2012 Team Blue


Submitted by: bAsher26 @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 96 kbit MP3
Length: 02:00:43
Rated by: Krank-Im-Kopf hardstylistixx BartyFire daKloze ThomA Qcu savi0r89 bass.t.o.r.m. chicomaster djblacksun t0n1 Opperhoofd kollie Chaotic_Spirit SirConceptz DJ_Basskoenig Ivanow pitchan EviLiv RIPS10 Kremer Denzell Joeyy kalamazoo LS22 thehardstyleholland bAsher26 Noiser69 sHizo Jro_ RubenS RawHardStylezz Wayout Gerome91 ThaMaster heny Hardov nielskuh Haas Nastee LehoS bisber 3367746 gertus Duruz SerbskieKosovo Rig Mezzox zum DyoxinE Zoran DarkMaiden Dizzonator The_Hidden kwaibegai Deserteagles ProMixer UnknownInsidez mickk9 B. DaybreakerDJ Novidry Trainfreak P4RTYLOV3R Freekje Morbid_Angel crymble dkodeofficial Timmiee ramp PierrePruuk mihassone BeatDestroyers Overbizz Erwinvelde LiveNL j0rrit hardstyle92 timmytim00 fr1xzz TheXQz baas Jbbe Haatpiraat meskcrime djoutbreak TwizTedMindNL Unifier petre_ Snufver ballmann09 ReMyX69 Speedboats mudkipz Amras Jpeeeg1 Audacious Joeyyy Swoop rvdbogert nYron2k5 Brrandon gsxr69 JOrg bogdaino Eddix Cygnus opaa paulrussell Bubba Q.JH N3Gruj johnkloos soleil monsternaf Smokey ALX benm77 -michaelhughes Twappah JNKz Paardenbal shocknld curly85 Kona_Black CurvadeDJ teunisras BennyCash hardcorebabe sicsouls bull83 Szaman sveen_dj BArtAS h_d3nis Maugi NateD Xedom Vioda Max-d GPVV Dimax twistagain77 steviedoyle EQuilibriumWAL jaspertjee Rickik thigie h4rdstyl3r boerenlater jediny Edwinn knarfieboy amyf stefan88pt Twilightzone Valeriya ka2e Unnamed gezah87 kaczi777 zany77 DJTheJoker Koekenbakker mekosj3a partyrocker alex.pitbull szczupak87 Rigosen loipi DonJunk amended gero terror90 Jubke Gabox FiLE2k11 Xahon BlondeIsBeautiful ValxDJ GraFF Guitou62 Kapik Grundy84 Glennetjee Joost_vD Gabbjuh glenncorvers BeQuiet timdawes koomak87 botweb MR_BUDDDHA jochem148 Esk-E anti-virus37 weegee broodjepoep The-Stranger bilarout boytje1992 paullus1991 GazzaHaugh Ronder Knomo PsykoMico ramon1990 MathijsRAW Sassie RvdB14 SjaakB rudeman skoman View all ratings
Favorited by: BartyFire Chaotic_Spirit pitchan Kremer kalamazoo 3367746 dkodeofficial PierrePruuk Erwinvelde chicomaster TwizTedMindNL simone_corstjens eriksloothaak P4RTYLOV3R mickk9 Kwibus038 r.v.bemmel JNKz teunisras mr_manuel sveen_dj Glennvds jskzaandam twistagain77 jaspertjee thigie amyf stefan88pt benm77 Barcie ValxDJ ronaldmeijer86 Kapik The-Stranger weegee IsmaelMosleh MathijsRAW liesaahx rudeman skoman Hansolo View all favorites

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1. Frequencerz - Bitch
2. B-Front - Inner Creativity
3. Zatox & The R3belz - Odissea 2011
4. Chris One - Recruit
5. ZazaFront - Dikke Vette Bassplaat
6. The R3belz - Armageddon
7. Tartarola - Who Is Calling (Chris One Remix)
8. B-Front & Digital Punk - For The Girls
9. The R3belz - State Of Mind
10. Chris One - Sin City
11. Hard Driver & B-Front - State Of Perfection
12. Tatanka - Doom's Day (The R3belz Remix)
13. Team Blue - Hard Bass Tool
14. Zany & DV8 - Distorted (B-Front Remix)
15. The R3bels - Shade
16. The Machine ft. Chris One - Never Fall Asleep
17. The Machine - Audiobot (B-Front Remix)
18. The R3belz & Vamper - Cosmik
19. The Beholder & Max Enforcer - Bitcrusher (Chris One remix)
20. B-Front - Virus
21. The R3belz - Skynet
22. Chris One - Psycho
23. B-Front & Frontliner - Magic
24. The R3bels - Pattern 2

timmytim00 -
On 15-02-2012 20:17:01, SpiRiT wrote:

Als je in het midden onder de boxen gaat staan is er niks aan de hand hoor... zijkanten heb je idd iets minder geluid en hoog op de tribunes heb je geen geluid maar alleen bass

Maar wie gaat der dan ook hoog op de tribune zitten?

IK had vooraan in het midden helemaal geen last van zacht geluid, ging lekker hard  :thumbsup2:
ThomA -
Hard Driver & B-Front - State Of Perfection  :worship:  :bomb:  :bomb: OMFG!  :w00t:
01. Frequencerz - Bitch
02. B-Front - Inner Creativity
03. Zatox & The R3belz - Odissea 2011
04. Chris One - Recruit
05. Zaza Front - De Grote Dikke Basplaat
06. The R3belz - Armageddon
07. Tartarola - Who Is Calling (Chris One Remix)
08. B-Front & Digital Punk - For The Girls
09. The R3belz - State Of Mind
10. Chris One - TBA
11. Hard Driver & B-Front - State Of Perfection
12. Tatanka - Doom's Day (The R3belz Remix)
13. Team Blue - Hard Bass Tool
14. Zany & DV8 - Distorted (B-Front Remix)
15. The R3bels - Shade
16. The Machine ft. Chris One - Never Fall Asleep
17. The Machine - Audiobot (B-Front Remix)
18. The R3belz & Vamper - Cosmik
19. The Beholder & Max Enforcer - Bitcrusher (Chris One Remix)
20. B-Front - Virus
21. The R3belz - Skynet
22. Chris One - Psycho
23. B-Front & Frontliner - Magic
24. The R3bels - Pattern 2

gotta say nothing more. Het is een symfonisch meesterwerk  :D
dsfgfdgdf, asfgvdsc, ascfhdoiusv,dsgvdfbhdfv <- this guy has created few accounts only to give some (-) for all the best sets of 2012 and make Coarsection set the best  _O-
Joeyy -
Die Bitcrusher remix doet me wel heel erg denken aan Psycho eigenlijk
Edited by Joeyy on 01-03-2012 10:33
Joeyy -
04. Chris One - Recruit
Moet dat niet 'Sasha F & Chris One - Recruit' zijn?
On 03-03-2012 14:28:58, Joeyy wrote:

04. Chris One - Recruit
Moet dat niet 'Sasha F & Chris One - Recruit' zijn?

no, it's only Chris One - Recruit
Edited by P4RTYLOV3R on 19-03-2012 21:48
10. Chris One - Sin City
Guido -
On 21-03-2012 20:44:15, P4RTYLOV3R wrote:

10. Chris One - Sin City

Source?  :)
On 21-03-2012 22:08:42, Guido wrote:


Source?  :)

Chris One @ facebook:
Sorry for being a bit quiet lately, busy times! Combining studies with music is sometimes hectic hahaha.
HOWEVER! I've finished my remix for Tatanka of the classic track "Who Is Calling", and also finishing up my track "sin city" which I played at Hard bass, and starting a new collab! Peace :-)
partyrocker -
alberlineo -
 :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)
Gabbjuh -
FML, kut ouders, ma loopt te zeiken over de Bass.....

wel lekker setje!  :D <3
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
On 02-09-2012 13:00:58, Gabbjuh wrote:

FML, kut ouders, ma loopt te zeiken over de Bass.....

wel lekker setje!  :D <3

Echt kut voor jou ja, dat je ouders je gemaakt hebben