Shoutbox: [25-09] alexvdh: Hi, looking for a streaming link of 69db - beer plz

General discussion / LSDB tournament round 1

Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
On 19-03-2012 21:01:17, Addict wrote:

zijn er nog uitvallers? of wild cards?
Zou ook wel mee willen doen in dat geval; weet dat ik laat ben maar ik had me in het eerste topic opgegeven en niet in de 2e...

Darklime is een uitvaller voor zover ik weet, dus je kan knarfie ff pm'en  :p
Legolas -
nog geen zekerheid of ik m'n sets zal afkrijgen wegens teveel werk met studies
ColinHQ -
Do you like owls?
When do the judges get their first lot of mixes to rate?
Smetn_HS -
Rehab is for quitters.
On 20-03-2012 09:59:00, ColinHQ wrote:

When do the judges get their first lot of mixes to rate?

I'm really curious too  :)
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
Set done  -_-
Nastee -
set done and send  :bday:

you received it?
I'll have mine in either tonight or tomorrow...
Makebelieve -
Both sets sent in the last 2 days.

Everybody the best of luck  :)
Sent  :thumbsup:
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
Should the sets be named in any certain manner? Sorry if it's been said before I haven't really been reading too much about it?

Also, who do I speak to if I can't get the set uploaded on time? I'm not at home and may not be back till after midnight. The set was completed this morning but I didnt have time to get it uploaded and sent?  :?
Ok. Set finished goin' to send it in a couple of hours!
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
All 4 sets sent in  :)
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
On 21-03-2012 13:04:59, djdesudo wrote:

Should the sets be named in any certain manner? Sorry if it's been said before I haven't really been reading too much about it?

Also, who do I speak to if I can't get the set uploaded on time? I'm not at home and may not be back till after midnight. The set was completed this morning but I didnt have time to get it uploaded and sent?  :?

It doesn't matter how you name your set.
Speak to knarfie himself about the upload time  :)
Edited by Maximumraver on 21-03-2012 17:14
Rob_Styles -
sent  :)
Kaakie -
Heb mijn set ook ingeleverd.
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
My set, sent from several days  :)
K-Star -
set recorded and sent
a little disappointed about my set but we'll see  :beer:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
"Please add a minimum amount of tags to your mp3."

what do you mean by this????
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
On 21-03-2012 21:57:12, Pithune wrote:

"Please add a minimum amount of tags to your mp3."

what do you mean by this????

Voeg alsjeblieft zo weinig mogelijk tags toe aan je mp3.