Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Endymion & Nosferatu - Face II Face

Track details

Released in: 2011
Album: Face II Face [ENZYME 038]


Light 'em up!

Just remember something, I'm here because I wanna be here!
I let myself be caught, because I'm not a coward!
I chose to meet my oppressors, face to face!

Face to face! [2x]

Do you know how pain enters the body?
The brain controls pain
The brain controls fear, empathy, sleep, hunger, anger, everything
What if you could control it?
Recreate a man so he doesn't feel pain or love or sympathy
A man who can't be interrogated because he has no memories to confess
They're creating ghosts to go out in the world and do things
Fifty years from now, people will look back and say, here, this place, is where it all began

Light 'em up!

Just remember something, I'm here because I wanna be here!
I let myself be caught, because I'm not a coward!
I chose to meet my oppressors, face to face!

Face to face! [2x]

People tell the world you're crazy, and all your protests to the contrary just confirm what they're saying
Once you're declared insane, then anything you do is called part of that insanity Reasonable protests or denial, valid fears, paranoia

Source: Lololyrics