Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Viper - Wasting Away

Track details

Released in: 2011
Album: Wasting Away [NEO 053]


We're wasting away! [2x]

Look not with your eyes, look with your heart
Fear not what you see, but what's in the dark
Be true to your dreams, no longer afraid
Is there an escape, at the end of the day?
Is there a will, is there a way?

So this is life? The hand that we're dealt?
Poisoned and drugged, till it's all that we've felt
Is there an escape, at the end of the day?
Is there a will, is there a way?
Controlled by emotions, and all that we say
We're wasting away!

Colourless minds, have faded to gray
All that is gone, but nothing is the same
Freedom for price, no longer a slave
I see the sun rise, beyond the grave!

We're wasting away! [2x]

Source: Lololyrics