Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Zemtec - Amen (Brennan & Heart Remix)

Track details

Released in: 2005


There is a new form of music, if you can call it music...

If you can call it music...

There is a new form.

New form.

If you can call it music...

New form.

There is a new form of music, if you can call it music...Ye, I say that it is in fact a threat to our very society! This jungle rhythm, this abandonness, that seems so popular with some of our children, is a threat to our world.

Do anything possible to keep your children far away from the disgraceful kinds of goings-on, which apparently follow the heels of this new music and of those who perform it!

Do anything possible to keep your children far away.
If you can call it music...

Do anything possible to keep your children far away.

New form.
If you can caaaaall iiit muuuuusiiiic...
New form.

This jungle rhythm, that abandonment, that seems so popular with some of our children.


New form.

If you can call it music...

New form.


New form.


New form.

If you can call it music...

Source: Lololyrics