Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Evil Activities - Dedicated (To Those Who Tried To Hold Me Down)

Track details

Released in: 2003
Album: Dedicated (To Those Who Tried To Hold Me Down) [NEO021]


Dedicated to the enemies and friends that hold me down

Everybody gon' get hurt

Loose yourself in the music!

Everybody gon' get hurt

Dedicated to the enemies and friends that hold me down
Bring that shit back one mo' time!

The design from the mastermind

Everybody gon' get hurt

I believe in seizin' the moment
Livin' and dyin' to spit with a vengeance
Here for redemption

Dedicated to the enemies and friends that hold me down

Loose yourself in the music!

Bring that shit back one mo' time!

I believe in seizin' the moment
Livin' and dyin' to spit with a vengeance
Here for redemption

The design from the mastermind

Source: Lololyrics