Shoutbox: [15:12] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Endymion & D'Spyre - Original Sin

Track details

Released in: 2005
Album: Various – A Gathering Of Styles Part 02 [ENZYME 20]


Like a corpse in a shallow grave
Corruption rises to the surface

Rest? A body is needed for sleep
Flesh and bones are required to recline
No, child
All I may do is watch and remember, ceaselessly conscious
As this wretched world's history unfurls
Ghastly past, insufferable future, are they one and the same?
Like a corpse in a shallow grave
Corruption rises to the surface
The defiled victim mutely screams its outrage

Spinning funk like myrrh until Jesus comes
And Jesus comes every time we drum
And the moon drips blood and eclipses the sun
And out of darkness comes the

Like a corpse in a shallow grave
Corruption rises to the surface
The defiled victim mutely screams its outrage
All I may do is watch and remember, ceaselessly conscious
As this wretched world's history unfurls

Source: Lololyrics