Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Decipher & Shinra - Stereotypes

Track details

Released in: 2013
Album: Stereotypes


Everybody comfortable?
Get your motherfucking ass up!

You some Justin Beaver
Miley Cyrus-looking motherfuckers

And sometimes I get angry
So suck a dick!

Everybody comfortable?
Get your motherfucking ass up when I'm talking!
You some Justin Beaver
Miley Cyrus-looking motherfuckers
I know what you're thinking
Angry Captain
It ain't nothing but a stupid stereotype
Well, guess what, motherfuckers
I worked my ass off to be the captain
And sometimes I get angry
So suck a dick!

Teenage the fuck up

Well, guess what, motherfuckers
I worked my ass off to be the captain
And sometimes I get angry
So suck a dick!

Teenage the fuck up

Source: Lololyrics