Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Radical Redemption & Angerfist - Messenger of God

Track details

Released in: 2014
Album: The Deadfaced Dimension


I am the messenger of God [2x]
God [?x]

I am the messenger of God


What we have here
Is a distillation of precisely what is twisted
And immoral in the faith mentality
Once you assume a creator and a plan
It makes us objects, in a cruel experiment
Whereby we are created sick, and commanded to be well
And over us, to supervise this
Is installed a celestial dictatorship

I repeat that, created sick, and then ordered to be well
And over us, to supervise this
Is installed a celestial dictatorship

I am the messenger of God [2x]

I repeat that, created sick, and then ordered to be well
And over us, to supervise this
Is installed a celestial dictatorship
I am the messenger of God

Is installed a celestial dictatorship

I repeat that, created sick, and then ordered to be well
And over us, to supervise this
Is installed a celestial dictatorship
I am the messenger of God

Source: Lololyrics