Shoutbox: [15:12] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Starsplash - Travel Time

Track details

Released in: 2003
Album: Travel Time [8714866 975 03]


Take my hand to travel time
So we can run away forever
There's a chance we cross the line
And we can do this thing together
And my heart goes out to everyone
A light will shine on him
So please lay down your heart
'Cause this is who I am

Base in your face!

Drop it!

Base in you face!

Take my hand to travel time
So we can run away forever
There's a chance we cross the line
And we can do this thing together
And my heart goes out to everyone
A light will shine on him
So please lay down your heart
'Cause this is who I am

Base in your face!

Take my hand to travel time
So we can run away forever
There's a chance we cross the line
And we can do this thing together
And my heart goes out to everyone
A light will shine on him
So please lay down your heart
'Cause this is who I am

Drop it!


Source: Lololyrics