Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Andy The Core vs. F. Noize - Sentenced (Legend Mashup)

Track details

Released in: 2013
Album: Our Power EP


If you wanna get with me
There's some things you gotta know
I like my beats fast
And my bass down low

I-I-I-I like my beats
Beats [x5] fast
Beats [x4] b-b-b-bass
Beats [x5] fast
Beats [x3] bass bass b-b-b-bass

Beats [x5] fast
Beats [x4] b-b-b-bass
Beats [x5] fast
Beats [x3] bass down low
Bass down low [x6]

I like my beats fast
And my bass down low

Come on!

Bass bass b-b-b-bass

I like my beat
My beat beat

I like my beats

If you wanna get with me
There's some things you gotta know
I like my beats fast
And my bass down low

Like like my beats [x2]

Like my beats

Bass down [x2]
Bass [x6]
Bass down low [x12]

Source: Lololyrics