Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Repix @ Raiser stylee

Hardcore   Frenchcore

Submitted by: DjRepix @

Filetype: 256 kbit MP3
Length: 01:30:00

More info

This time, something that you guys expect from me, a uptempo raiser style set, rough hard songs, tryd to combi it with some frenchcore!! it isnt the smoothest mix i made, here and there some little mistakes, but i was jumping around my room like an idiot so losed my concentration haha! Just love it! soo Volume UP! En BOUNCEE!!!!

Rated by: Artistic_HB Dagarasu reniao Y.O.A.N. guusje DeWegWijzer Da_Machinery Gioom WeZellll


1. Angerfist - The Fast Lane
2. Meccano Twins - Pain & Fear
3. Negative A - Spitful
4. Bartoch vs Cyane - This Is Hardcore Refix 2010
5. Endymion - Art ( Placid K Remix )
6. Negative A & Counterfeit - Scorched Earth
7. Subversion - Trouble Maker ( Bartoch Remix )
8. Kid Morbid - Chocolite Milk
9. Dj Japan - Freakin Out
10. Meccano Twins - Combustion
11. Dj Sim - Simbiosis ( DJ Obscurity Remix )
12. Tieum - Ready To Party ( Tieum vs E.S.T Damage Remix )
13. Dj Japan - Gimme a Motherfuckin Party
14. Tieum Vs. Partyraiser - The Empire Strikes Back ( Straight Mix )
15. Dyprax vs. Mc Tha watcher - Statement Of Disorder ( Unexist Remix )
16. Darkcontroller - Darkstream ( Para Italia & Nonasylum Remix )
17. Hardbouncer - Let The Beat Rock
18. Radium - Piss On Drugs ( Skypnet Remix )
19. Ophidian - End Of The Earth
20. Unexist Ft. Santronica - Fuck The System
21. Neophyte & Tieum - Les Saboteurs
22. Art Of Fighters - Oh My Sun
23. Section Grabuge - People Will Die
24. The Sickest Squad & Lenny Dee - Strike ( Sickcore )
25. D.O.M. - D-Omen
26. Angerfist & Tieum - Just Know
27. ID
28. Dj Obscurity - Obscure Afterlife
29. Imperium Bass - Tiroler Kaboomized ( Bootleg )
30. Thunder - Mad You Look
31. Angerfist - Yes ( Drokz Remix )
32. Hungry Beats - Super Crap
33. The Punisher - Fuck The Party ( Remix )
34. Drokz - World Bass Music
35. Edge Of Darkness - New Shit
36. Section Grabuge - Seek & Destroy
37. Proto X - Fucking Pussy
38. Section Grabuge - Policia

Mrunterwijst -
Lekker, die nummers van DJ Obscurity, hoor je niet vaak!  :thumbsup:
terrorerror -
Wat N Heldenset  :worship:
Kan nie veel beter super mop mop gas dr op  :yay:
DeWegWijzer -
nickyyy, wat een gruwelijke set maat  :worship: die frenchcore is zooo heerlijk  :D

mixwerk is netjes, keep on going  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:
WeZellll -
Vriend, ik vindt deze set helemaal geweldig:P

Maak er nog zo eentje, lekker up tempo....

Gr uit,
