Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Thanoz vs. LD @ Beter Kom Je Niet

Early Hardcore

Submitted by: H2TC @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Rated by: SandStorm pointzero

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1. Sigma 909 - Power Of XTC
2. Lenny Dee & The Hardcore Warriors - Twisted
3. Dark Destination - Impulsive
4. The Coalition - 9MM
5. DJ Delirium & Guitar Rob - Speaker Murder
6. Bodylotion - Fuck Martina
7. DJ Devon - This Sucks
8. DJ Alex - In Control
9. Buzz Fuzz - Fuck Happy (It's Bullshit!)
10. Buzz Fuzz - Chemical Overdrive
11. Raveman - R.A.V.E.M.A.N. 2
12. Brain Acardy - Wayz Of The Underground
13. DJ Jappo & Lancinhouse - EXLXAXL
14. Chosen Few - Kold Dayz
15. The Preachers - 2 Kill Or Die
16. Eternal Terror - Bumb That Bass
17. Tripax - Raw (Ooh Baby)
18. Tripax - What The Fuck Are You Laughing At?
19. DJ XD - Wet Dreams
20. Without A Doubt - Shut Up!
21. Ricci & MC Hair - Sgam Sgam
22. The Dreamteam - Tina Thunder Mix
23. Shadowlands Terrorists - The First Party Kick
24. STROID 2 - Untitled (B)
25. Jordens vs Flamman & Abraxas - Sarin
26. The Leathernecks - At War (Remix)
27. Kesj & Donut - This Is Cocaine
28. Hellfish & Producer - No More Rock N Roll (Koala Fish Mutant Bird Mix)

SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
new link
Thanoz -
Extra link added.
Date of Event: Beter Kom Je Niet (26-11-2004)
Thanoz -
Track 14 is actually TWO tracks: after EXLAXL (track 13) comes:
"Chosen Few - Kold Dayz", and after that comes:
"The Preachers - 2 Kill Or Die"
(followed by "Eternal Terror - Bump That Bass")

Track 21 is NOT: "Gizmo - The End of the Beginning", but:
"The Dreamteam - Tina Thunder Mix"
there is NO Track 22 that needs to be ID'd, thats still a part of Track 21

Track 24 is "Hellfish - STROID 2" (b-side, untitled)
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
On 30-06-2019 12:29:25, Thanoz wrote:

Track 14 is actually TWO tracks: after EXLAXL (track 13) comes:
"Chosen Few - Kold Dayz", and after that comes:
"The Preachers - 2 Kill Or Die"
(followed by "Eternal Terror - Bump That Bass")

Track 21 is NOT: "Gizmo - The End of the Beginning", but:
"The Dreamteam - Tina Thunder Mix"
there is NO Track 22 that needs to be ID'd, thats still a part of Track 21

Track 24 is "Hellfish - STROID 2" (b-side, untitled)
