Rated by:
emphazer DieBilo
1. Intro Demons
2. Dj Mutante - You Have No Right To Live
3. Noisekick - Fuck That Mothetfucker
4. Psykotropp - Le Monde Du Silence (Bioxeed Remix)
5. Seneca - You're Not Me (You Have Two Choices)
6. Sonic Overkill - Exit Of Hell (O-Mix)
7. The Destroyer - Giant Station
8. DarkFreak - Angeldust
9. The Vizitor - Fucking Face
10. Mosphit - Burn In Hell
11. Radium - Cocaine Disaster
12. Darkcontroller - Zuckerzzz (The Vizitor Remix)
13. Frazzbass - Torture (The Destroyer Remix)
14. TerrorMasta - Die Abrechnung
15. Paranoizer - Manhunt
16. The Untitled - Beauty In The Darkness
17. Noisekick - World Of Darkness
18. Sauron - Over
19. Bonehead - Fucked Up Discipline
20. Noisekick,Rdz & Vageman - 1 Vans Ons 3
21. Amiga Shock Force - M.F.House Remix)
22. Vague Entity - Hell Awaits
23. Bonehead - The Real Gangster Shit
24. Curse - Hart Oder Herzlich
25. VWTV - The Eyee
26. TerrorMasta - Phase 3 Fickfreundin
27. m1dlet - Cambodia
28. Lonely Freek - Legende
29. Mr. Unknown - Avail Lavigne
many thanks for this contribution to harmonious music