Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Andere Koek @ Q-Base 2011 Podcast - Drop Your Own Area Winner

House   Tech house   Minimal

Submitted by: Morango @
Last edited by: Morango @

Filetype: MP3

More info
No longer will you need to travel to the Randstad to listen to the hardest beats and best techno of the Netherlands. For Q-BASE, Amsterdam can set down it’s crown and just be a picturesque city in North Holland. Jeroen Sijtsma, creator and founder of Andere Koek explains:

What makes Andere Koek so special?
“From day one we have really strived to stand out. We tried to do this through hanging our fun and creative posters everywhere. Our first poster was a scantily dressed old lady who was preparing for a night out on the town.

“Some people said that it was a disgrace to hang up posters of this nature. However, we noticed that this was coming from the less urban areas where people were less accustomed to such things. Granny, our first poster character, was quickly switched out for our flagship Uncle Dick that is on our Q-BASE poster. Besides our posters, we always try and have well-known DJs playing alongside our local heroes. We are also known for our crazy decoration with balloons, candy stalls, crazy acts and confetti.”

So are you ready?
“Absolutely! We have a great team and we are ready to blow the roof off Q-BASE on September 10th. We are ready to dance until we drop.”

Basterd & Suiker
Bart Kleijn
Wouter de Moor
Bootsman & Bootsman
Fanny West
Verdine Bel
Twiener & Chip du Cle
Dimzen & Erick Heijting
Bas Struik
Peter Horrevorts

Rated by: MelodicMovement fxxKingHARD_DJ

Legolas -
was geen reet aan deze bunkerd eerlijk gezegd
MelodicMovement -
stonden maximaal 25 mensen denk ik haha epic fail
CrazyDutchMan -
Rzr -
On 20-09-2011 09:24:21, Legolas wrote:

was geen reet aan deze bunkerd eerlijk gezegd

On 20-09-2011 12:31:04, MelodicMovement wrote:

stonden maximaal 25 mensen denk ik haha epic fail

Was vorig jaar ook al. Zijn deze bunkers ooit een succes geweest?
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
On 20-09-2011 22:53:24, Rzr wrote:


Was vorig jaar ook al. Zijn deze bunkers ooit een succes geweest?

TK07 was vorig jaar hele avond volle bak
Morango -
What is real?
in a harder styles fest, this was something like a chill-tech-house zone

not really packed...but moar than 25  =]