Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DjCyCO @ The War Of Hell

Speedcore   Terror

Submitted by: DjCyCO @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:51:41

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Rated by: DieBilo TimTim darklime.carnage
Favorited by: darklime.carnage

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  Carmina Burana O Fortuna
1. DJ Mutante vs Smurf - Fuck Me I'm a DJ
2. Las Vegas 909 - Mark Of The Devil
3. Drokz - The Hard Away
4. Frazzbass - Speak English Motherfucker (The Destroyer Remix)
5. Angerfist - Yes (Znooptokkiedrokz Refix)
6. Mc Courage & Terrorsuzy - Energy
7. Las Vegas 909 - Welcome to Hell / Worst Nightmare
8. Jensen - Moments Of Transition
9. The Destroyer - Cuntface In Italy
10. Paranoizer - Move
11. Leathernecks - At War (Earfist Remix)
12. Lacerater - (L'odode Del) Sangue
13. La Magra - The Penance State
14. Deterrent Man - Axis Against All
15. Drokz - Grandpa Drokz
16. Jimmy S - Onke
17. E-Noid - Intergalactic Spacyness (SRB Remix)
18. Drokz - Driven By The Fight
19. iGoA - Nicht Mehr Lange
20. Lawrencium - A Gerard
21. Paranoizer - Bonker
22. Peckerhead - The Sound Of Now
23. Sadistic Hate vs Hatewire - GreatAuntNellieS(h)itsOnMyFaceSoICanGetOff Mix
24. Frazzbass - Torture (The Destroyer Remix)
25. Gabba Front Berlin - Burning With The Fires Of Orc
26. Angernoizer & Vageman - Full Of Love
27. DJ Mutante - You Have No Right To Live
28. Matt Bleak - Infernal Judgement Mix
29. M1dlet - Die In Your Arms Tonight
30. Noisekick - Het Deed Pijn
31. NovokaiN - Vizionz Of Fire Mix
32. V8 - Hitch Hikers Meets Vogons
33. Lacerater - O.S.S.A.
34. Paranoizer - Teddypicker 2
35. DJ Narotic & Nevermind - United States Of Terror
36. Paranoizer - GTA
37. V8 - Richter & Hanker
38. The M.S.P. - Devil Noise
39. Nevermind - Lost In Space
40. Speedkore - Odio Chiama Odio
41. Angel Enemy - Silent Sound Crisis Mix
42. R1OT33R - Warten Auf Edith
43. V8 - The Last Scream
44. Lawrencium - Extreme Annihilation
45. Lord Lloigor - End Of A Millenium
46. Convertorh vs DJ 0000 - Accelerateur Of Particules
47. Jealousy - Die Liebe Gottes

darklime.carnage -
track 14  =]