Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Warning: there is an annoying MC in this liveset.

The Prophet @ Decibel Outdoor 2011 Afterparty


Submitted by: pit @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: 96 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:16
Rated by: ThaMaster Jro_ JDS ZeroGravity davidelliott stes chicomaster pinoB RockStar steviedoyle dkodeofficial heny real7a stefandrost Piet-R76 [deleted user] nYron2k5
Favorited by: real7a benamsterdam

View as plain text


1. Frontliner - Dream Dust
2. Proppy & Heady - Summer of Hardstyle (2011 Refixx)
3. Bass Modulators - Shock Your Senses
4. Brennan Heart - Runnin Late
5. Headhunterz & Wildstylez ft. Noisecontrollers - Tonight (Alpha Twins Remix)
6. Bioweapon - Tear You Down
7. TNT - Utta Wanka
8. The Anarchist - Battlescarz
9. Builder - Her Voice (Headhunterz Remix)
10. Digital Punk & Profyler - Bringing The Funk (Zatox Remix)
11. The Prophet - Really Don't Care
12. Arkaine - Lost In Eternity
13. Frontliner - Creative Community
14. Zany & Zatox - Oldskool
15. Da Bootleggers - Bitches & Ho's
16. Frontliner ft. Ellie - Lose The Style
17. Showtek - Party Lover
18. High Voltage & B-Front - Everything Changes
19. Brennan Heart & The Prophet - Wake Up

Uncorrect -
1. Frontliner - Dream Dust
2. Proppy & Heady - Summer of Hardstyle
4. Brennan Heart - Runnin Late
5. Noisecontrollers vs Wildstylez & Headhunterz - Tonight (Alpha Twins Remix)
7. TNT - Utta Wanka
10. Builder - Her Voice (Headhunterz Remix)
11. Digital Punk & Profyler - Bringing The Funk (Zatox Remix)
12. The Prophet - Really Don't Care
14. Frontliner - Creative Community
15. Zany & Zatox - Oldskool
16. Da Bootleggers - Bitches & Ho's
18. Showtek - Party Lover
19. High Voltage & B-Front - Everything Changes
20. Brennan Heart & The Prophet - Wake Up
Edited by Uncorrect on 22-08-2011 13:13
ZeroGravity -
The Heretic
Jesus, wat is die mc vervelend...
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
06. Bioweapon - Tear you down
08. The Anarchist - Battlescarz
09. Builder - her voice (headhunterz Remix)
13. Vind het wel een The Prophet.
17. Frontliner - Tba

Best leuk setje!
Edited by ThaMaster on 22-08-2011 15:11
SpiritualFire -
16. Arkaine - Lost in Eternity  =]
Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
On 22-08-2011 15:40:34, SpiritualFire wrote:

16. Arkaine - Lost in Eternity  =]


16 is een frontliner idd.
SpiritualFire -
Edited by SpiritualFire on 22-08-2011 20:37
Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
On 22-08-2011 20:34:04, SpiritualFire wrote:

in the second videos comments, arkaine gives the trackname

Dan is het nog altijd 12.

16. = Frontliner Ft. Ellie - Lose The Style
heny -
16. Arkaine - Lost in Eternity  :w00t:
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
Zucht... 16 is niet arkaine...
heny -
Ah well, but I meant the Arkaine track anyway.
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
01. Frontliner - Dream Dust
04. Brennan Heart - Runnin Late
05. Headhunterz & Wildstylez ft. Noisecontrollers - Tonight (Alpha Twins Remix)
09. Builder - Her Voice (Headhunterz Remix)
12. Arkaine - Lost in Eternity
15. Da Bootleggers - Bitches & Ho's
16. Frontliner ft. Ellie - Lose The Style

:L  :yay:
real7a -
I like Da Bootleggers - Bitches & Ho's mash ^)
believe-web -
new link added