Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ray Destino & Mayer @ Hard Vegas Episode #1


Submitted by: RayDestino @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:02:00

More info
Hello  :)

Here's the set from friend's radioshow, who invite me to record a collab-mix with him.
We decided to name this episode "Hard Vegas". We're planning to record five episodes (one per month).
Each one will be probably in different style, so stay tuned  ;)

Rated by: Chaotic_Spirit shiniroth ConcretePL bodzio BeatDestroyers bass.t.o.r.m. Dubi Kona_Black SchizeQ Lucato Mayer Piet-R76


Ray Destino's Part:
01. Zany - Animated Audio
02. B-Front & Digital Punk - For The Girls
03. DJ Thera vs Geck-O - Do the Happy Face
04. The Machine - Explorers Of The Mind
05. The Beholder & Digital Punk - Machine Master
05. Catatonic Overload - The Sexual Thrill
06. Vazard - Tear Apart
07. Donkey Rollers - Hardstyle Rockers (Catatonic Overload Remix)
08. Zero Sanity - Substance Over Form

Mayer's Part:
09. Catatonic Overload & Geck-O - Rotten from the Inside
10. The R3bels - Shade
11. A-Lusion - Veritas (Zany Remix)
12. Coarsection feat Kona Black - Infect Yourself (Toxicator Poland 2011 Anthem)
13. JDX - The Secret
14. The R3bels - Pattern 2