Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Stylewars @ Hardstyle Rockers


Submitted by: Camel @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:30:00

More info
Check out my new mix I made after I returned from a long vacation. It contains a lot of new and unknown tracks. Enjoy!

Rated by: bull83 Piet-R76 Camel


1. Kodex - Weekend
2. Luna vs E-Force - 5th Element
3. Wasted Penguinz - Crea Diem
4. Artic - Hypnotizing
5. Frontliner - Good & Evil
6. Hardstyle Syndicate & Marcus Jones- Boogyman
7. Burn Soldier - Resolution
8. Headhunterz - From Within
9. Amazed - Life
10. Soundcreators - Good Night
11. Pradera - 10 Words
12. Wasted Penguinz - Follow Your Dream
13. The R3bels - Let Yourself Go
14. Wasted Penguinz - Play The Game
15. Atmozfears - Take Me Away (Dubstyle Mix)
16. Alpha Twins - Unleashed (Psyko Punkz Remix)
17. Donkey Rollers - Hardstyle Rockers (Catatonic Overload Remix)
18. Dj Thera - Live Hard Now
19. Stereotuners - Bass Control
20. Digital Punk & Max Enforcer - Universe Of Nothing
21. The Pitcher - Kick It To The Bone
22. Stereotuners - House Dog
23. Delete - Fuck The Formula
24. Artic - 1000mph
25. Amazed - Directly Behind You
26. The R3bels - Shade
27. Kodex - Paranormal Activities