Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Miss_MissGeSchick @ Distorted Minds

Terror   Crossbreed

Submitted by: PatrickG88 @
Last edited by: PatrickG88 @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:16:47

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Dj-Set @ Mehr-Druck for Distorted Minds Radio Show
(Drum & Terror Mix)

Rated by: PatrickG88 nina_duro

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1. Sickboy - The Unstoppable Universe
2. Deceiver & Ophidian - Book Of The Dead
3. Tripped & Matt Green - N.I.T.M.
4. AK-Industry - The Dark industry
5. Satronica - Phuture Destroyer
6. Noize Punishment - Riotbringer (Forbidden Society Remix)
7. Counterstrike - Mindfuck
8. Forbidden Society & Delta 9 - Violent Outburst
9. Antichristus - The Dark Lord (Necron Remix)
10. Switch Technique & Forbidden Society - Blood Extract
11. Triamer - Death Algorythm
12. The Panacea - Red Tape With Audio
13. Donny - The Feast
14. Dither - New World Order
15. Current Value - Ethin
16. Forbidden Society - Dstrct Look
17. Dextems - Hate
18. Slayer - Reign In Blood (Triamer Remix)
19. Freqax - The Axe
20. The Teknoist & Scheme Boy - Versus Unleashed (Gancher Remix)
21. The Punisher - Transmutation (Homeboy vs Mayhem Remix)
22. Detest - Final Prayer
23. AK-Industry - The Dark Industry (Deathmachine remix)
24. The DJ Producer - Paradise Is Never
25. DuranDuranDuran - Kotze
26. The Outside Agency - Unmade World
27. Drokz - All This Power
28. TerrorMasta - Der Berühmteste Freak Auf Der Welt 2