Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Truth @ Knowledge Mag Mix


Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:14:00
Rated by: hardcorerepublic dezcoolaz


01. Truth - Amnesia [Deep Medi Dub]
02. SP - Trust Nobody VIP [Dub]
03. ID
04. Tunnidge - Ghost Dance [Dub]
05. Truth - Burglar (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
06. Truth & Ben Verse - Under Current (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
07. Seven - Germs [Blackbox Dub]
08. Bulletproof - Soundtrack To Forever (instrumental) [Each and Every]
09. Crushington & Black Sun Empire - Shudder [Dub]
10. Truth - Direct Blow [Dub]
11. Truth - Masters of the Stars (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
12. Joker & TC - It Ain't Got a Name [Dub]
13. TC - Wait a Minute [Dub]
14. Crushington - Capsule [Dub]
15. Truth - Legion (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
16. Chase & Status - Bits [Dub]
17. Truth - The Emperor [Dub]
18. Truth - More Dangerous (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
19. Truth - Hackerz [Boka]
20. Truth - International [Deep Medi Dub]
21. Truth - Bubba Ho Step [Disfigured Dubz Dub]
22. Crushington & Black Sun Empire - Wolf Moon [Dub]
23. Truth - Wednesday [Disfigured Dubz Dub]
24. Antiserum vs Eskmo - Monstahs [Full Melt]
25. Truth - Puppets (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
26. Truth - Lab Rat (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
27. Kryptic Minds - Badman [Swamp 81]
28. Jakes - One Eye Monster [Dub]
29. Vista & Will Blaze - Glo Worm [Boka Dub]
30. Eddie K & Minus - Disfigured Love [H.E.N.C.H Dub]
31. Truth & Dutty Ranks - Worlds Apart [Argon]
32. ID
33. Distance & Tunnidge - We R To Blame [Dub]
34. Truth - Terror Planet (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
35. Datsik - Gecko VIP [Dub]
36. Truth - Juno (taken from Puppets - Aquatic Lab)
37. Kito - LFO [Disfigured Dubz Dub]
38. Truth & Silkie - Feel [Dub]