Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Stana @ Defqon.1 2011 Red

Techtrance   Hardtrance

Submitted by: Zoran @
Last edited by: greg4850 @

Filetype: 96 kbit MP3
Length: 00:31:51
Rated by: Thyme zum H4rdztyliX DjPractice kharaf Speedboats hostage Seneca Ivanow Legolas steviedoyle DjLow_Cut petre_ Nilles techno-kid SimonBelmont greg4850 Jro_ fazhepwnz Stana pitchan loipi Mr-Hyde kardar Orbi [deleted user] View all ratings
Favorited by: SimonBelmont


1. Arty - Around the World Vs Daft Punk - Around the world Acapella vs Empire of the sun - Walking on a Dream acapella
2. David Tort - Jack It up
3. Dustin Zahn vs Sander Van Doorn - Stranger to riff (Hollow Earth Mashup)
4. Sean Tyas - Solo (Organ Donors Remix)
5. Scot Project - T(Techem)
6. Stana - Awesome (Stana edit)
7. ASYS - Bassturbation (Organ Donors Remix)

pit -
01. Daft Punk - Around The World
02. ID
03. ID
04. Kamui - ID
05. ID
06. ID
07. Kamui - ID
08. ID
Edited by pit on 25-06-2011 12:26
DjPractice -
this is what I got as tracklist

Daft punk - around the world (bootleg)
Empire of the Sun - Walking on a Dream (mashed with a Jonas Stenberg track but I cant remember the name)
Dustin Zahn v Sander van Doorn - Stranger to Stability v Riff (mash)
ID (with Sweet child o mine riff)
Scot Project - T (Techern)
Stana - Awesome
A*S*Y*S - bassturbation (Organ donors remix)

And ofc, I loved this set!! Not really any house in it, more tech-trance
Seneca -
sweet child of mine riff is this one tune by Sean Tyas isn't it?
DjPractice -
yeah you're probably right
Sean Tyas - Solo (Organ Donors remix)
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
Aye, agreed. More tech trance than anything else.
SimonBelmont -
02. Artento Divini & Jonas Stenberg Vs Empire of the Sun - Walking on a dream a year later (Stana Mashup)
03. Dustin Zahn Vs Sander Van Doorn - Stranger To Riff (Hollow Earth Mashup)
04. Sean Tyas - Solo (Organ Donors Remix)
05. Scot Project - T (Techem)

This was so awesome!! too bad it's only the second half..
Zoran -
Can't edit tracklist anymore  :(

Thanks to Stana for providing the correct tracklist:

1. Arty - Around the World Vs Daft Punk - Around the world Acapella vs Empire of the sun - Walking on a Dream acapella
2. David Tort - Jack It up
3. Dustin Zahn vs Sander Van Doorn - Stranger to riff (Hollow Earth Mashup)
4. Sean Tyas - Solo (Organ Donors Remix)
5. Scot Project - T(Techem)
6. Stana - Awesome (Stana edit)
7. ASYS - Bassturbation (Organ Donors Remix)
Stana -
Yes that is correct thank you everybody for listening  :)

kardar -
very nice set, looks like a banging tracklist  :)
Edited by kardar on 28-06-2011 09:52