Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dadexx @ Dadexx's House


Submitted by: Dadexx @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 00:49:35


1.Duro meets Wild Motherfuckers - Cocaine Fothermuckers (Jack Of Sound Mash Up)
2.Julian Dj & Davide Sonar - Y.R.M.L. (Prophet Kik Mix)
3.Zappaman - Rude Talk (Whoosh Mix)
4.Citizen - People Won't Like This (The Kbg's Remix)
5.Sebulba - Reveal Our Existence (Da Twekaz Gtfo Mix)
6.Dj Gius - Nerve (Original Mix)
7.Dark Oscillators - Trapped (Solaio Mix)
8.The Hose - I Survived (Different Edit)
9.Tatanka and Zany feat. MC DV8 - Connection
10.D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Total Eclipz
11.Zany - Delomelancum (ft. Noisecontrollers)

donkeyrollers -
tracklist ziet er goed uit  :thumbsup:
m4a1 -
Duro meets Wild Motherfuckers - Cocaine Fothermuckers (Jack Of Sound Mash Up)

Dadexx -
On 28-12-2008 14:21:12, m4a1 wrote:

Duro meets Wild Motherfuckers - Cocaine Fothermuckers (Jack Of Sound Mash Up)


It isn't a rip  :thumbsup:
donkeyrollers -
m4a1 je kunt hem downloaden ik heb hem al online zien staan is gwn een mash-up
m4a1 -
On 28-12-2008 14:24:04, Dadexx wrote:

On 28-12-2008 14:21:12, m4a1 wrote:

Duro meets Wild Motherfuckers - Cocaine Fothermuckers (Jack Of Sound Mash Up)


It isn't a rip  :thumbsup:

It isn't for sale and Jack Of sound didn't release it, so it's still illegal. Or am i wrong and did he gave it away for free?
Khadber -
As far as I know he didn't release it (too bad, because its a very good mashup!)
Dadexx -
I receive it from my friend....if it is illegal i'll delete this set.....
m4a1 -
On 28-12-2008 14:46:18, Dadexx wrote:

I receive it from my friend....if it is illegal i'll delete this set.....

Well, you don't have to delete it, but it is leaked, so it's not nice to Jack Of Sound. So don't do illegal leaked songs anymore in your sets  ;)