Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dave Clarke & Sian @ White Noise 294

Rated by: Rum-P


* First Hour:
01. Sync 24 - We Rock Non Stop (Heuristic Audio Remix)
02. Code Rising - Steppin Back
03. Exzakt - Clarity (Lethal Agent Remix)
04. Scape One - Time Falls (Dynarec Remix)
05. The Hidden Persuader - System Saboteur - THP RMX
06. Code Rising - The Mission
07. Roman Zawodny - Locked Up
08. The Subdermic - Electric Cabaret (Remaster)
09. Francois Du Electronique - The Game
10. Stephane Signore - Sacrifice & Dedication 2011 (For my brother remix)
11. M.A.D.A - Micron (Niereich Remix)
12. The Black Dog - Black Chamber Order
13. Gesaffelstein - The Lack Of Hope
14. Aerphax - Toxitan City
15. System 7 - PositiveNoise (Carl Craig remix)

* Second Hour, Exclusive mix from Sian:
16. Sian - Moorish Idol - Octopus
17. Brendon Moeller - Mainline Robags Relokk Tokk Mikks - Echochord
18. Maetrik - Crush On Me - Cocoon
19. Martin Damson - What The Fuck? - Get Physical
20. Mutiny - Swimming With Sharks - Ovum
21. Xircus - Hyperventilation - Trapez
22. Paul Ritch - Shake It - Sci & Tec
23. Sian - Are you reading this? - Octopus
24. Mcbz - Nizam - Octopus
25. Christopher Bleckmann - Cold Comfort (Patrick Siech Mix) - Break new soil
26. Sian - Beta Decay - Octopus
27. Moodyman - Dem Young Sconies - Planet E