Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Tweek & Cake Nightclub (inverness) @ A*S*Y*S & McBUNN


Submitted by: TWEEK. @
Last edited by: TWEEK. @

Filetype: 64 kbit WMA
Length: 00:59:30

More info
Was the set I played at Cake nightclub (inverness)
Room 2 on the A*S*Y*S and McBUNN night.

Rated by: KuNTY-CHoPS Nicco_dj


1. Afrojack - Daft Sound

2. Mord Fustang - Electric dream

3. Afrojack - Doing It Right

4. laidback luke feat A Track - Shake It Down

5. Patric La Funk & Feddie Le Grand - Autosave

6. Avicii vs. Sebastien Drums - Snus

7. Chuckie Gregori Klosman - Mutfakta

8. Awooga - Calvin Harris

9. Dustin Zahn - Stranger To Stability (Len Faki Podium Mix)

10. Feddie le Grand - Amplifier

11.Peter Gelderblom - Waiting 4

12. Mord Fustang - Milkyway

Nicco_dj -
Nothing but good reports about this set. Shame we ended up playing the same time, couldve done with hearing it!
Nicco_dj -
Nice  :thumbsup: