Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dave Clarke , Josh Wink & Surgeon @ White Noise 291

Rated by: Rum-P


* 1st Hour:
01. George Lanham - Gutter Politics
02. Jamez and Soulboy - Induction (Ritzi Lee remix)
03. Mr. Jones - Cosmic wonder light source
... and DJ Set from Josh Wink at Awakenings

* 2nd Hour:

01. BCR BOYS - Vitamins (Punisher [detroit] Remix)
02. Marco Bernardi - I see her dangerous
03. Octave One - I Need Release (Alexander Kowalski Remix)
... and DJ Set from Surgeon at Awakenings

sleeper -


Edited by hardcorerepublic on 02-07-2011 19:09