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Frame of Mind proudly presents first special mix!
What u know about Digoxin!?
DIGOXIN (INN) - also known as digitalis, is a purified cardiac glycoside extracted from the foxglove plant, Digitalis lanata.Its corresponding aglycone is digoxigenin, and its acetyl derivative is acetyldigoxin. Digoxin is widely used in the treatment of various heart conditions, namely atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and sometimes heart failure that cannot be controlled by other medication. Digoxin reparations are commonly marketed under the trade names Lanoxin, Digitek and Lanoxicaps.
01. Frame of Mind - ID
02. Frame of Mind - ID
03. Frame of Mind - ID
04. Frame of Mind - Brainsick Thoughts
05. Frame of Mind - Hold on Me
06. Frame of Mind - Weapons & Knifes
07. Frame of Mind - The Sannikov's Land
08. Frame of Mind - ID
09. Frame of Mind - Old Dancing Owls
10. Frame of Mind - Hello Peaky!
also known as Noxoize
TTM need this
The Sannikov's Land is an autentic bomb