Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Relic @ Dark Industry Podcast IV "The Proxima Project"


Submitted by: Morango @
Last edited by: McBong @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 02:00:00

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Rated by: vbalazs Audioholic hardcorerepublic Ivanow

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  Part 1
1. Affective Disorder - Study Of A Ladybug On A Rope
2. Autechre - VL AL 5
3. Somatic Responses - Machines Desire
4. Hypnoskull - Elektrattack
5. Combichrist - The Corpse Under My Bed
6. Solypsis - Perpetually Out Of Sorts
7. Frl. Linientreu - Mission Complete
8. Morgenstern - Beasts
9. Peaky Pounder - Verdammt Ich Bleep Nicht
10. William F. DeVault - From Out Of The City
11. Alesaparanoid - Sleeping Body
12. Tapage - Short Dresses
13. Cubic Nomad - Moby
14. CAPSLOCK - Highly Nervous Condition
15. Converter - Time Through Windows
16. UndaCova - Save The Scarabs
  Part 2
17. Tapage & Meander - Osedax
18. Autechre - Sim Gishel
19. Beverly Hills 808303 - Hatch
20. Tilt! - Maniac
21. Mindustries - The Arrival
22. Converter - Be Broken (Synapscape Illdub Mix)
23. Dark Frequencer - Desolated Place
24. Minupren - The Nerp
25. Cooh & Counterstrike - Crowd Surfer
26. Asche - Cenobites In The Ballroom (Part 1)
27. Syndemic - Windchild
28. Synapscape - Sellout
29. LPF12 - In A Place Where Fear Resides
30. Tokakeke - Lament