Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Low Entropy @ Speedcore 1997-2003


Submitted by: r_AW @
Last edited by: McBong @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:46:37
Rated by: NeverExist AkiraDark95

View as plain text


1. Low Entropy - Start The Panic
2. Low Entropy - Napalm Bombing
3. Low Entropy - Billions
4. Low Entropy - Fast
5. Low Entropy - Dark Speedcore
6. Low Entropy - Total Terror
7. Low Entropy - U-Tention
8. Low Entropy - FM4
9. Low Entropy - Don't
10. Low Entropy - Bratz
11. Low Entropy - Riot
12. Low Entropy - Trance

AkiraDark95 -
this is apparently an album link added
tracklist: (they are in the video)

1. Start The Panic
2. Napalm Bombing
3. Billions
4. Fast
5. Dark Speedcore
6. Total Terror
7. U-tention
8. FM4
9. Don't
10. Bratz
11. Riot
12. Trance