Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
2 people requested a new download link

Armageddon Project @ Scream 2005

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: H2TC @
Last edited by: greg4850 @

Length: 01:04:28
Rated by: Xerxes Opperhoofd hawker Legolas MattiX m4a1 davidoff Q-DanCe__ pppbax Damustrial Kanti


01. Life:::Runs:::Red - Souls Scars
02. Life:::Runs:::Red - The World Has Changed
03. DJ Producer - Journey of Force (Point Intensity Dub)
04. Mindustries - Breaching the Barriers
05. ID
06. Void Settler - Gnomes Tinker With Time (Hellfish Remix)
07. Armageddon Project - The Punishment Due
08. The Outside Agency - 740 MHZ Intertial Overtone
09. Peaky Pounder - Viisi
10. Armageddon Project - White Noise Vendetta
11. ID
12. ID
13. Micron - Confusion In My Mind
14. Project Omeaga - ID
15. Manga Corps - The Hunter (Armageddon Project Remix)
16. Armageddon Project - Blessed By Kaos
17. Lenny Dee & Promo - I called You
18. Tommyknocker & Life Runs Red - Technoire Overdrive

Xerxes -
Everybody's favourite Belgian
+je  ;)

Hopelijk een liveset :d
Xerxes -
Everybody's favourite Belgian
1.Life:::Runs:::Red - Souls Scars
2.Life:::Runs:::Red - The World Has Changed
3.ID (Journey of force)
7.Armageddon Project - The Punishment due
8.TOA - 740 mhz intertial overtone
9.Peaky Pounder - Vissii
11.ID(ligt op het puntje van men tond  :p)
13.Micron - Confusion in my mind
16.Armageddon Project - Blessed By Kaos

Het is niet veel...maar het is iets...

Is trouwens een van de beste sets die ik van hun heb gehoord  :worship:
H2TC -
Het is niet veel...maar het is iets...

Is trouwens een van de beste sets die ik van hun heb gehoord  :worship:

MattiX -
i gotta get my hands on the two Life:::Runs:::Red vinyls  :worship:
Damustrial -
Could someone reupload this?
Damustrial -
On 15-02-2010 17:05:58, Damustrial wrote:

Could someone reupload this?

Evilness -
On 15-02-2010 17:05:58, Damustrial wrote:

Could someone reupload this?

x2  :(
Damustrial -
01. Life:::Runs:::Red - Souls Scars
02. Life:::Runs:::Red - The World Has Changed
03. DJ Producer - Journey of Force (Point Intensity Dub)
04. Mindustries - Breaching the Barriers
05. ID
06. Void Settler - Gnomes Tinker With Time (Hellfish Remix)
07. Armageddon Project - The Punishment Due
08. The Outside Agency - 740 MHZ Intertial Overtone
09. Peaky Pounder - Viisi
10. Armageddon Project - White Noise Vendetta
11. ID
12. ID
13. Micron - Confusion In My Mind
14. Project Omeaga - ID
15. Manga Corps - The Hunter (Armageddon Project Remix)
16. Armageddon Project - Blessed By Kaos
17. Lenny Dee & Promo - I called You
18. Tommyknocker & Life Runs Red - Technoire Overdrive

Also added a link.
javi_centralero -
I think that this liveset has a very good sound quality (Scream club), someone could re-upload again if it's not a too much nuisance???