Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
Somebody requested a new download link

Brisk & Fracus , Gammer , Neophyte @ Next Generation Records Podcast 23

Happy Hardcore   Hardcore

Submitted by: pit @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 01:34:04
Rated by: TerrorPinKlaas


Brisk & Fracus
01. Warrior - Warrior (Fracus & Darwin's Bootleg Remix) (CDR)
02. Brisk & Fracus - Holding On (Next Generation)
03. Darwin Feat. Sarah - I Found You (Next Generation)
04. Fracus & Darwin - Start Again (Hardcore Underground)
05. Douglas & A.B. - Moment (Nu Energy)
06. Entity & Darwin Feat. MC Sharkey - 21 Days (CDR)
07. Brisk & Darwin Feat. DMO - My Heartbeat (Next Generation)
08. Geos Crew Feat. Marie Louise - Love Infected (Fracus Remix) (Electrik Euphoria)
09. Kurt Feat. Sara - Bang Banger (Lethal Theory)
10. Noize Suppressor Vs Mad Dog - Bassdrum Bitch (Noize Records)
11. Triax - Testify (Rotterdam Records)
12. Nitrogenetics - Makebeliever (Hardcore Blasters)

DJ Gammer
1. Dougal & Gammer vs. Technikore - Corruption For The Weekend
2. Shimamura - Tokyo Hardcore (Gammer Remix)
3. Gammer & JB-C - Bigger and Bolder
4. Clear Vu - I Adore (Gammer Remix)
5. Dougal & Gammer vs. Chris Fear - Supersonic
6. Dougal, Gammer & JB-C feat. Jerome - No Way Back
7. Andy Whitby & Klubfiller - Blam
8. Sy & Unknown - What A Great Drug (Dougal & Gammer Remix)
9. Dougal & Gammer - Lifting Me Higher (Rock Ya Body Edit)
10. Gammer - Major Panic (Have it Back)
11. Gammer - Let It Go (TripleXL Remix)
12. Darren Styles - Getting Better (Gammer Update)
13. Gammer & Whizzkid - Jump
14. Gammer & Whizzkid - Could Be Real
15. Styles & Recon - Like A Bitch (Dont Stop Your Friends Edit)
16. Dougal & Gammer - Fires In The Sky (Facelift)
17. Take down my lazer and fuck me on the dancefloor until I love life are vampires
18. Dougal & Gammer feat. Jerome - Domination
19. Xavi Matrella - Vibrations
20. Gammer, Recon & Klubfiller - Bang Yer Head Off
21. The best outro ever

1. Distorted Revelation- The Horizon
2. Kasparov- Keep Going
3. Nosferatu & Evil Activities- Sick of it all
4. Tha Playah- Hit 'm (EA & The Viper remix)
5. Hellsystem- Shut up and die (Angerfist remix)
6. Neophyte- Live and Loud
7. Neophyte & Tieum- Les Saboteurs

MrKikker -
vet  :D
TerrorPinKlaas -
Neophyte Part and The end of Brisk Set  :worship:  :worship:

Rest  :-/
Edited by TerrorPinKlaas on 28-02-2011 19:34