Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Nomad @ Fausto's Crossover Week 8


Submitted by: nomad @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:59:26

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Rated by: Loony Morango Opperhoofd steviedoyle Legolas Young OldschoolRaver Jatoch CrazyDutchMan brian-hayes forde1690 Robintjuh DjLow_Cut loser Darkwatcher Dutch kardar TheXQz 100-NED TheUnit Nicco_dj Acid_Headcracker Micha82 Hansolo TBChaos View all ratings
Favorited by: Morango Darkwatcher

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1. Nomad - Here I Come (Intro Mix)
2. Walt & Feliz - Endless (Nomad HF Bootleg)
3. ID (Log:One - ID)
4. DJ Medowz - Afterhours Club (Nomad Remix)
5. Guyver - You'll Know it (Wragg & Log:One Remix)
6. Busho - Music First (Iain Cross Remix)
7. Nomad - Ahead Of The Curve
8. Wragg & Log:one - Necrosis
9. Fausto vs. Phil York ft. MC Da Syndrome - I.H.D.S. (Wragg & Log:One Remix)
10. Nomad - Initiate
11. Nomad - Taken
12. Phil York & Fausto - Dire Straights (Nomad Remix)

Morango -
What is real?
HQ! big thankz Nomad!  :thumbsup2:
OldschoolRaver -
On 28-02-2011 03:23:16, Morango wrote:

HQ! big thankz Nomad!  :thumbsup2:

forde1690 -
Everything starts with an E
On 28-02-2011 03:23:16, Morango wrote:

HQ! big thankz Nomad!  :thumbsup2:

steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
DjLow_Cut -
On 28-02-2011 20:24:11, forde1690 wrote:



 :worship: Massiv Set  :thumbsup2:
loser -
Darkwatcher -
kardar -
what a great fucking set  :thumbsup2:
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Great mix  :thumbsup2:
TBChaos -
03. Self Inflikt - Stuxnet