Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

heny @ Infinite Discoveries #03


Submitted by: heny @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:07:23

More info
Here's the third episode of my "Infinite Discoveries". This time it's a fine mixture between catchy melodic and harder tunes.

Hope you enjoy it and ofcourse I appreciate every kind of feedback.

Rated by: Edwinn Phantomias koldsa M0rtenK Neilio rolandhyper Double-T Piet-R76


01. Showtek - F-Track (Extended Mix)
02. Dr. Rude - Drop The Mixtape (Coone Remix)
03. Brooklyn Bounce - Born To Bounce (Music Is My Destiny) (Josh & Wesz Remix)
04. Zatox - Irreplacable
05. Top-C - Mephisto
06. Phrantic Feat. Morphex - Dedicated
07. Tatanka & Zatox Pres. Wild Motherfuckers - Hard Bass
08. Frontliner - Rebirth Of The Sun
09. Neilio - Makes Me (heny's Original & Neroz Remix Mashup)
10. Ran-D - Crossroads
11. Atmozfears - Welcome 2 Hell
12. B-Front - Inner Creativity (Original Mix)
13. Wavolizer - Saifam Mashup MK2 (Wavo Vs. Geck-o Mix)
14. Tuneboy - Dirty (Spectrum Remix)
15. Jack Of Sound - You're The Next Ghost (heny's RBR No Melo Cut Outro Edit)
16. Roland Hyper - Devastator [Promo]

Richter -
rolandhyper -
From Russia With Rave