Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Mynotic @ Do You Like Bass


Submitted by: DJ-Mynotic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:16:01

More info

Rated by: ulli88 DjTheStrikeR
Favorited by: DJ-Mynotic


01. Evil Activities - Do You Like Bass? (Tha Playah Remix)
02. Predator & Re-Style - Lost Kingdom
03. Endymion - Abduction
04. Noize Suppressor - Hardcore Junky
05. Angerfist - Riostarter
06. Technohead - Take Me Away (Dano & System 3 Remix)
07. Tommyknocker - Domination
08. Tha Playah - Dicks, Pussys And Assholes
09. Re-Style - Keep The Vibes Alive
10. Prolaxx & Outrage - Crushin Bonez
11. Distorted Revelation - Rockstar
12. Weapon X - Whatz Yo' Name
13. Nosferatu & Mad Dog - Lack Of Existence
14. Noize Suppressor vs Mad Dog - Bassdrum Bitch
15. DJ Mad Dog - Disorder
16. StereoType - Forge the Imminent
17. Outblast - Delusion
18. T-Junction And Dyprax - Religion Of The Beast
19. Noize Suppressor - Bone Crusher
20. T-Junction And Angerfist - A New Level Of Freak
21. Roland & Sherman - Jonge Edammer