Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Zero Sanity @ The Magic Show


Submitted by: hanstz65 @
Last edited by: Duruz @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:57:00
Rated by: Michiel201 dreos1337 daKloze koldsa Duruz boerenlater Neilio K-Cin Vioda Geminizer Legolas koekwous aldi [deleted user] Zanza djbazz-r EviLiv Piet-R76


01. Derb - Psycho [Tracid Traxxx]
02. The Prophet & DJ Duro - Earprotection [Scantraxx Unreleased]
03. Technohunter - Atomic Blender (Zero'z Depeche Mode Mash-Up) [CD-R]
04. T4t4r074 - Insane GTP (Josh & Wesz Mash-Up) [CD-R]
05. Dark Oscillators - Stereophobia (Josh & Wesz "A vs. B" Mash-Up) [CD-R]
06. Alphaverb meets Intractable One - More Is What They Get [NuRules]
07. Space Invaders - Do The Freak [NuRules]
08. Headhunterz - Aiming 4 Ur Brain [Scantraxx Special]
09. Builder - Her Hardbeat Market Voice (Zero'z Mash-Up) [CD-R]
10. Noisecontrollers - Crump [Fusion]
11. The Prophet & Brennan Heart - The Payback [M!D!FY]
12. Donkey Rollers - Immeasureble Revolution (Zero'z Mash-Up) [CD-R]
13. Overload - Overload (The Anthem) [Droppin' Beats]
14. Donkey Rollers - Silver Bullet [Fusion]

koldsa -
1. Derb - Psycho [Tracid Traxxx]
2. The Prophet & DJ Duro - Earprotection [Scantraxx Unreleased]
3. Technohunter - Atomic Blender (Zero'z Depeche Mode Mash-Up) [CD-R]
4. T4t4r074 - Insane GTP (Josh & Wesz Mash-Up) [CD-R]
5. Dark Oscillators - Stereophobia (Josh & Wesz "A vs. B" Mash-Up) [CD-R]
6. Alphaverb meets Intractable One - More Is What They Get [NuRules]
7. Space Invaders - Do The Freak [NuRules]
8. Headhunterz - Aiming 4 Ur Brain [Scantraxx Special]
9. Builder - Her Hardbeat Market Voice (Zero'z Mash-Up) [CD-R]
10. Noisecontrollers - Crump [Fusion]
11. The Prophet & Brennan Heart - The Payback [M!D!FY]
12. Donkey Rollers - Immeasureble Revolution (Zero'z Mash-Up) [CD-R]
13. Overload - Overload (The Anthem) [Droppin' Beats]
14. Donkey Rollers - Silver Bullet [Fusion]
K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
Why bother typing the labels ? ^^

Wicked TL  :)
M0rtenK -
So many mashups