Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Miss Kittin , Alter Ego & Chris Liebing @ 13 Years Clubnight


Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: PatrickG88 @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 05:00:00

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2002-12-25 - Miss Kittin, Alter Ego (LIVE) & Chris Liebing @ 13 Years Clubnight, MTW Offenbach, Robert Johnson

2 parts > 2 links

files have date 15-12-2002 ??

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  Miss Kittin
1. El Loco - Ibiza
2. Woody McBride - Off The Ceiling
3. Mutron - Rotten Zipangu
4. Mateo Murphy - Acid!
5. Secret Cinema - Timeless Altitude
6. Emmanuel Top - Radio
7. Deco 2 - Maniac
8. Gaetano Parisio - Untitled
9. Uhr Deco 2 & Felix Rennefeld - The Max
10. Frankie Bones - My House Is Your House (12 Years Later Remix)
11. Michael Mayer - Sneaker
12. Dynamix II - DJ's Go Beserk
13. Khia - My Neck, My Back (Tobi Neumann Remix)
14. Art To Breathe ft. Jemeni - Kojak
15. Woody McBride - Basketball Heroes
16. Paul Kalkbrenner - Zeit
17. Emmanuel Top - Lobotomie
18. Green Velvet - La La Land (Floppy Sounds Vocal Mix)
19. Troy Geary - Everytime It Takes A While
20. Fisherpooner - L. A. Sounds
21. Hardy Hard - Is No Way, That The Crowd Can Sit Down
22. Asylum Seekers - Rock This
23. Frank Mueller vs. Takkyu Ishino - Lovetrain (Miss Kittin Remix)
24. Golden Boy & Miss Kittin - Rippin Kittin (X-Press 2 Late Night Homicide Vocal)
25. Reinhard Voigt - How We Walk
26. Pantytec - Elastobabe
27. Bryan Zentz - D-Clash
28. B - Knushi Halko
29. Superpitcher - Baby's On Fire
30. Promo - Promo
31. Sascha Funke - Mia
32. Smash TV - Dub About Me (Miss Kittin & Tobi Neumann Remix)
  Alter Ego (Live)
33. Alter Ego - Phoenix
34. Alter Ego - Passed Away
35. Alter Ego - Blast
36. Alter Ego - Betty Ford
37. Alter Ego - Absolut
  Chris Liebing
38. Adam Beyer - Ignition Key (Speedy J Remix)
39. Henrik B Pres. Teorema - Seven A
40. Joel Mull - IS01 (Mateo Murphy Remix)
41. The Advent - Constant (Steve Rachmad Remix)
42. Tobias Von Hofsten - Burner
43. Adam Beyer & Henrik B - Perfect Match (Chris Liebing Remix)
44. Glenn Wilson - Against The Grain
45. Chris Liebing - Canaima
46. Henrik B - Avalon
47. Adam Beyer & Henrik B - Signal 9 (Christian Smith & John Selway Remix)
48. Marco Bailey - Capture
49. Chris Liebing - Es Ist Freitag Aaabend! (3rd Anniversary Night)
50. Andreas Kauffelt - Bassquake
51. Technasia - Hydra (Renato Cohen Remix)
52. Chris Liebing - Gassenhauer (Marco Carola Remix)
53. James Ruskin - After Dark
54. John Starlight - Blood Angels (Chris Liebing Remix)
55. Renato Cohen - Pontape
56. Albita Rodriguez - Ta Bueno Ya!
57. Ben Sims - Oblivion
58. Ben Sims vs. Mark Broom - City Life
59. Adam Beyer & Henrik B - Where Are We Going?
60. Chris Liebing - Abigor
61. Chris Liebing - Disorder & Chaos

mrbobross -
Added new link (on request).