Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Pyro @ PERK-DNB Podcast 002

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 00:54:12

More info

Rated by: hardcorerepublic


01. Pyro - Broken Scanner [PERKUSSIV Dub]
02. Raiden, Brandon Miles & Tricky Pat - Scuba Diver [OFFKEY]
03. Heavy1 - Specium [VAMPIRE]
04. Optiv - Generation lost [SHADYBRAIN]
05. Hybris - The Cleaner [CRITICAL]
06. Dose - Brain Drain (?)
07. Edward Oberon - Void [TRANSLATION]
08. Brandon Miles & Tricky Pat - Loc-Nar (?)
09. Brandon Miles & Tricky Pat - Fang Bang [DIGITAL VENOM]
10. Allied - Isomer [FALLOUT]
11. Jeff mills - Actual 8 Bootleg (not coming out)
12. Proton Kid - Motrik [PERKUSSIV Dub]
13. Pyro - Restless [forthcoming PERK-DNB005]
14. Pyro - Behind the Low [PERKUSSIV Dub]
15. Eiton - Kookon [PERK-DNB002]
16. Pyro - Spectral Mining [PERKUSSIV Dub]
17. The Sect - Oxidize [VENOM INC]
18. Nphonix - Third Eye [LOST SOUL]
19. Amex & Rufftex - Slowmotion (Skynet RMX) [PERKUSSIV Dub]
20. Proton Kid - Probe Bot [PERKUSSIV Dub]
21. Pyro, Kantyze & Proket - Antharas [OBSCENE Dub]
22. Histibe - Planet Ora (?)
23. Pyro - Residue [PERKUSSIV]