Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Jason Voorhees @ Uncut & Unrated


Submitted by: H2TC @

Length: 01:01:01
Rated by: Demolition075


1. Mad-E-Fact - The Hustle (Evil Activities & Tha Playah Remix)
2. Catscan - Seramon
3. G-Town Madness feat.The Viper - Rock This MF
4. Noize Suppressor - Master Of War
5. Stereotype - Forge The Imminent
6. Giangy - Sex On The Street
7. Outblast - Eardrumz (Kutski & Bioweapon Remix)
8. Kasparov - Keep Going
9. Nosferatu & Evil Activities - Sick Of It All
10. Unexist & Mad Dog - D3stroy The System
11. Prolaxx & Emphasis- Drugprogram
12. The Stunned Guys & Amnesys - Symphony of Sins (Official Masters of Hardcore Anthem)
13. Re-Style - The ruler (Official Syndicate 2010 Anthem)
14. Catscan & Predator - Repartition
15. Noize Suppressor feat. Lenny Dee - That's The Way
16. Endymion & Meccano Twins - The Industry
17. Paul Elstak - I'm Not An Addict (Accelarator Remix)
18. Neophyte - Live & Loud (Neophyte & Tha Playah Mix)
19. Dyprax & Angerfist - The Pearly Gates
20. Meccano twins - Time Has Come
21. Dione - Soldiers Of The Core