Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

CHEMICAL NOIZE @ Hardcore Tales - Pain & Fear


Submitted by: H2TC @

Length: 00:58:01


01. State of Emergency - The Power of Resurrection
02. Meccano Twins - Pain & Fear
03. Tommyknocker - In the Shadow
04. DJ Dano & System 3 - Full Strength
05. Tommyknocker Feat. Ian K - Scream
06. Noize Suppressor Ft. Lenny Dee - That's the Way
07. Dione - Soldiers of the Core
08. T-Junction & Angerfist - Deadly Volts
09. Furyan - Another Kind Of Evil
10. Meccano Twins - Time Has Come
11. State of Emergency - Vanity (T-Junction Remix)
12. State of Emergency - Our Remedy
13. Furyan - When Worlds Collide
14. Angerfist - And Jezus Wept