Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Talla 2XLC @ Clubnight

Trance   Progressive

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 03:00:00


01. Beachball - Nalin & Kane (Superfly - 10005)
02. Cafe Del Mar - Energy 52 (Hooj Choolis - HOOJ 51)
03. Interspace - Interspace (Tremolo - TRE 2004)
04. Nightwalk - Vector Mode (Go For It - GO 97/11)
05. Ontrack - Yello (Mercury - 578 631-1)
06. Crazy - Global Control (Red Alert - RED 056)
07. Dream Universe - C.M. (Rhythm And Groove - RG 9604)
08. Gators - Vilas (Future - 005)
09. Xenayo - Xenayo (Madhouse - 8812892)
10. The Future - Jens Lissat (Dance Pool - 663664)
11. Kaleidoscope - Art Of Trance (Platipus - PLAT 27)
12. Bombrush - DJ Tecmania (Tecmania - TR 05)
13. Don't Leave Me This Way - Marc Farris (Flying High - FHR 002/96)
14. Eclipse - Nukem's World (Future - 001-12)
15. Follow Me - Space Frog (Energized - DMD ENG 026-1)
16. Pipeman - Nomination I (Underdog - UD 005)
17. Reflect - Three'n One (Fire - 135)
18. Flaming Star - Little Jam (Suck Me Plasma)
19. What Time Is Love - Talla 2XLC. (Urban)
20. Excalibur's Revenge - Blue Planet (Suck Me Plasma - SUCK 085)
21. Beachball - Nalin & Kane (Superfly - 10005)
22. Dream's Harmony - DJ Kalpa & Marino Stephano (The Mackenzie - MAC 1078)
23. La Vache - Milk Inc. (House Nation - HN 110)
24. Adorable - Illusion 10 (Dance Opera - DO 484)
25. Birds - Ventura (Mocca - MOC 1843)
26. Flash - B.B.E. (Positiva - 12 TIV 73)
27. The Outback - Tyrone T.B. (Mindworx - MX 009)
28. Two Get Overexcited - Sean Dexter (Suck Me Plasma - SUCK 82)
29. Follow - Mikado (Future - 004)
30. Remember - Rodd-Y-Ler (Future - 003)
31. Raise Your Power - Prezioso (Tetsuo - TET 21)
32. To The Moon - Microworld (Fog Trance - 112)
33. The Analogue Theeatre - CJ Bolland (Internal - TRU LP 13)