Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Little Louie Vega , Dimitri , Jeff Romanowski , Junior Vasquez , Danny Tenaglia & Little Louie Vega feat. India @ Sounds Of The New York Underground [Clubnight]


Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 03:00:00

More info
1994-08-06 - VA @ Clubnight - Sounds Of The New York Underground

Louie Vega | Dimitri | Jeff Romanowski | Junior Vasquez | Danny Tenaglia


(don't know whether the soundcloud link is only Dimitri.. or its just half of the entire 3 hour show)


Little Louie Vega
01. Revenger - Boom Generation [Dance Device - DADE 6700 025]
02. Baby Waiting - Gilda [Outland Records - STATIC CD 002]
03. Keep Holding On - Alton Miller [Outland Records - STATIC CD 002]
04. Music Is The Key - Naomi Daniell [Outland Records - STATIC CD 002]
05. Oh Boy (Remix) - Klatch! [Fresh Fruit - FRUIT 004R]
06. Virtual Sex - Rhythm Is Rhythm
07. Back To Rhythm - Frank De Nato [Outland Records - STATIC CD 002]
08. Burning - Naomi Daniell [Outland Records - STATIC CD 002]

-- no tracklist

Jeff Romanowski
09. Girlz - Namby Pamby [Tribal America - Y-58181]
10. Mental Breakdown - Phuture [Strictly Rhyhtm - SR 12 257]
11. Are You Satisfied? (David Morales Remix) - The Daou [Tribal America - VV 58142]
12. All It Takes - F.O.D. [Planet Earth - P-55318-1]
13. I Like The Warm Weather - 22 Large
14. Lifted By Love - K.D. Lang [Sire Records Company - 9 41379-2]
15. Waiting - ? Artist

Junior Vasquez
16. House Track - Various
17. Heavy, Tribal Mental - ? Artist
18. Moovin' On - ?
19. Groove To Me - ?
20. House Stompin' - Bump [Good Boy - GB 009]
21. Free Frogs - Wonka
22. ? - The X Factor
23. Fire Drill - DJ Pierre
24. House Track - Various
25. I'll Heal Your Body - Positive [Love From San Francisco - L.F.S.F. 001]

Danny Tenaglia
26. That Oughta Be Good - The Stand [Dream Land - DLR 006]
27. Curious - Sun, Sun, Sun [Strictly Rhythm - SR 12 263]
28. What I'm Gonna Do With You - Matt Wood [Tribal UK - TRIUK 010]
29. March - The Look [Sexy - SX 1002]
30. So Get Up - Underground Sound Of Lisbon [Tribal UK - TRIUK 016]

Little Louie Vega Feat. India
31. Love & Happiness - River Ocean Feat. India [Cooltempo - 12COOL 287]
32. I Wanna Be Free - The Luna Project
33. The Cure - Moraes [Junior Vasquez Music - JVM 007]
34. So Deep, So Good - M&M [Strictly Rhythm - SR 12 227]
35. Dreaming - U-Nation
36. What's Cumnovame - Track And Feel Events [Nervous - NER 20052]