Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Al Twisted & The Guvner @ Intenzifi


Submitted by: ConnerIntenzifi @
Last edited by: TimTim @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:00

More info
Featuring MC Rooney

Rated by: AlTwisted ulli88
Favorited by: ulli88


First Half - Al Twisted
01. Paul Elstak feat. Beatstream & Radiate - Angels Deserve To Die
02. Amnesys - ReFly
03. Tommyknocker - In The Shadow
04. Tha Playah - Why So Serious
05. Accelerator - Open Your Mind
06. Tha Playah - Walking The Line
07. Neophyte - The New Shit
08. Weapon X - Wheres My Party People At
09. Shadowlands terrorists - Shadowlands Anthem

2nd Half - Guvnor
01. 2 Sick Puppies - We Love Rohyponal
02. Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP - We No Speak Americano (2 Sick Puppies Remix)
03. ??
04. Kurt Vs Callum G - Killaman (2 Sick Puppies Remix)
05. 2 Sick Puppies - Motherfuck
06. 2 Sick Puppies - Ready Or Not
07. DJ Paul Elstak – You're a Hardcore Hooligan (Angerfist Remix)
08. ??
09. 2 Sick Puppies - Freeze

AlTwisted -
First Half - Al Twisted
01. Paul Elstak feat. Beatstream & Radiate - Angels Deserve To Die
02. Amnesys - ReFly
03. Tommyknocker - In The Shadow
04. Tha Playah - Why So Serious
05. Accelerator - Open Your Mind
06. Tha Playah - Walking The Line
07. Neophyte - The New Shit
08. Weapon X - Wheres My Party People At
09. Shadowlands terrorists - Shadowlands Anthem

2nd Half - Guvnor
ConnerIntenzifi -
2nd Half - The Guvner

01. 2 Sick Puppies - We Love Rohyponal
02. Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP - We No Speak Americano (2 Sick Puppies Remix)
03. ??
04. Kurt Vs Callum G - Killaman (2 Sick Puppies Remix)
05. 2 Sick Puppies - Motherfuck
06. 2 Sick Puppies - Ready Or Not
07. DJ Paul Elstak – You're a Hardcore Hooligan (Angerfist Remix)
08. ??
09. 2 Sick Puppies - Freeze

P.S. 2 Sick Puppies (The Guvner & 4orce DJ)
ulli88 -
HC more than a Music!!!
Very Nice Set need more from this^^
THX a lot AWESOME!!!!!!!  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:
Edited by ulli88 on 29-11-2010 15:17