Rated by:
Neilio Jro_ Duruz Aquracy CrazyDutchMan Vioda Piet-R76 Nois3controll3r
01. The Obsession - Set U Free
02. d'Stylerz - Existence
03. Neilio - Grains of Sand
04. Crucial Value - Hero
05. Bass Modulators vs Zentiments - The Strongest
06. Crucial Value - Warfare
07. Alpha² & Wildstylez - Atrocious
08. Zatox - Poltergeist
09. Josh & Wesz - Let's get Durty
10. Atmozfears & Humanoise - The Unreal
11. Project One - Numbers (Wildstylez remix)
12. B-Front & Frontliner - Become the Sky
13. Heatzone - Prototype (The Evil Prototype Twin Mix)
14. Kodex - Nucleic Acid
It's no problem for me