Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

David Guetta @ F*** Me I'm Famous


Submitted by: Morango @
Last edited by: greg4850 @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:00:00


01. Doman & Gooding - Hooked On You (D&G Club Mix)
02. ID
03. Angger Dimas & Static Revenger - Long Time (Lazrtag Remix)
04. DJ Chuckie ft. Hardwell & Ambush - Move it to the Drum
05. ID
06. ID
07. David Guetta & Afrojack Feat Niles Mason - Louder than Words
08. ID
09. Nervo Feat. Ollie James - Irresistible (TV Rock Vocal Mix)
10. ID
11. ID
12. ID

Tulin -
The same as : Radio 538 /DJ MIX - 13 Nov 2010

01. Doman & Gooding - Hooked On You (D&G Club Mix)
02. ID
03. Angger Dimas & Static Revenger - Long Time (Lazrtag Remix)
04. DJ Chuckie ft. Hardwell & Ambush - Move it to the Drum
05. ID
06. ID
07. David Guetta & Afrojack Feat Niles Mason - Louder than Words
08. ID
09. Nervo Feat. Ollie James - Irresistible (TV Rock Vocal Mix)
10. ID
11. ID
12. ID